Need Refund Sale Transaction from other store as the Transaction belongs to a Deleted/Closed Store

Need Refund Sale Transaction from other store as the Transaction belongs to a Deleted/Closed Store

iVend version :


Problem Statement :

A Sale Transaction is done in Store A but the Store A is now removed/ deleted from iVend, as the store is physically closed
Now when trying to search for the same sale transaction from any other store, with the Transaction Server Search, it does not appear.Need to make a Refund from that Sale Transaction . 

Resolution :

As the store has been already deleted from iVend so it will not be possible to find that transaction now .
When a transaction is searched in POS , it has a join with the iVend store and then it can find the transaction .
So in this case it is suggested to go to a different store and do a baseless / unplanned refund .