


The Multi-level Authorizations process is used in retail organizations where standard work procedures requires an authorization from a manager or a management group of members before the cashier can generate certain documents or perform certain actions on existing documents.
The administrator defines the stages of the authorization process and the templates used, this includes:
· For whom (Employee’s) the document should require authorization.
· Who is responsible to authorize the document?
A document authorization process begins when an employee that is the originator of the document, is going to perform certain actions such as add, update, print or void a document. The prompt window appears where the authorizer need to authorize the document.
A document's authorization process ends when the originator receives final authorization and adds the document.
Setting Up and Working with Multi-Level Authorization
To work with multi-level authorizations, you have to first enable the Use Advance Authorization check box on the Enterprise Settings and then create the authorization stages and templates.
How to Enable Multi-Level Authorization in Management Console?
To enable multi-level authorization, follow this procedure:
1. Log into the iVend Management Console and go to: Administration > System Initialization > Enterprise
2. In Enterprise Settings window, select the check box Use Advance Authorization
You can enable or disable this feature at any time.
How to Create Authorization Stages and Templates?
As an authorizer (Manager/Management Group member), the user can create an authorization stage that can be assigned to one or more authorization templates, including which users may authorize specific condition and how many authorizers are required. The user can assign an authorization stage to one or more authorization templates.
To create an Authorization Stage, follow these steps:
1. Log into the iVend Management Console and go to Administration > Authorization > Authorization Stage
2. In the Authorization Stage Search window, Press the [F3 New] button - The Authorization Stage window appears.

3. In the Authorization Stage window, enter a unique code and add a description.
4. In the No. of Approvals Required field, specify the number of users required to approve each stage. It is useful to have more than one authorizer for documents, to compensate for an authorizer’s possible unavailability.
5. Click the [Add Approver] button to add an authorized user for document approval.
6. To save the data, select the [Ok] button.

To create an Authorization Template, follow these steps:

1. Log into the iVend Management Console and go to Administration > Authorization > Authorization Template
2. In the Authorization Template Search window, Press the [F3 New] button – the Authorization Template window appears.
1. On the Authorization Template Setup tab, enter a unique Template Id and add a description.
2. Select the Comments Required For Authorization checkbox, if you would like to have the authorizer add comments while approving the document.
3. On the Originator(s) panel, add the users that require approval of their documents. You can add multiple users to an approval.
4. On the Authorization Stages panel, add one or more authorization stages. Change the sequence of the stages as necessary.
5. On the Authorization Condition Setup tab, select the relevant conditions that trigger the approval process.
1. To save the template, select the [Ok] button.
Note: For any condition type, if you have enabled the Manager Override on Retail Profile and Advance Authorization in the Enterprise Settings, then priority will always be given to the Advance Authorization feature.
 Using Advance Authorization at the POS
Let us take an example; you have created the authorization template with two stages for the condition type Transaction Refund. Therefore, whenever the originator (cashier) wants to create a Refund for any sale transaction the system prompts for an approval.
On the Approval window, the Authorizer has to perform the following steps:
1. On the Login Information window, the Authorization user has to select either the [Approve] or the [Reject] button.
2. The have to enter their User Name and Password details.
3. In the Comments field, if the Comments Required For Authorization checkbox is selected on the Authorization Template, then Authorizer has to enter a comment.
4. Select the [Login] button.
5. The above steps (1-4) must be follow for all the stages set in the Authorization Template.
6. If any of the Authorized users reject the document, then the Originator user cannot add the document in the system.
Authorization Audit Report
This report provides the Advanced Authorization audit information to the user. With this report, the user can check when the Authorization is triggered, who was the Originator, who was the Authorizer and the various Authorization Stages involved before final authorization of the document was given.
To run this report, follow the steps below:
1. On the Management Console, go to: Reports > General > Authorization Audit Report
2. Enter the relevant parameter values and choose [Ok].
3. The Authorization Audit report will run and appear on screen. The user can print off the report if desired.

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