Move License from one store to Another

Move License from one store to Another

License Requirement in case of New store

Store is a license based component in Ivend retail Environment. So, on opening a new store there occurs two cases:

Case 1 : Opening a new store in Ivend retail Environment:

Since store is license based entity hence will consume 1 Entitle count. If Store Entitlement balance is 0 then one needs to contact license team at and need to obtain new license and activate the same.

Case 2 : Close One store in Ivend retail Environment and open another one

If someone wants to move a store from one place to another considering the fact that they do not require the previous one then:
  1. You can delete the store from iVend Enterprise MC--> Retail Configuration-->Store . Such Store deletion activity should be done once all the store database has been replicated from Store to iVend Enterprise via Replication Service.
  2. Once you delete the store from iVend Enterprise MC, it will be marked as DELETED in various iVend Tables and such store cannot be activated ever again so it is irreversible process.
  3. This will free up a license count of deleted store and one can open a new store and this freed up license count will be consumed there.
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