Migrating iVend Enterprise Server

Migrating iVend Enterprise Server

Migrating iVend Enterprise Server

This article advises on the steps to follow when migrating the iVend Enterprise to new server while retaining SAP Business One on the old server.


· SQL Server Edition of the new iVend Enterprise Server is the same as that of the old iVend Enterprise Server

· Collation on the new iVend Enterprise Server is set as SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_AS

· The new iVend Enterprise Server SQL Server is accessible from the SAP Business One Server


1. Install iVend on the new server with the following components

a. Enterprise Server

b. Management Console (Optional but usually required and recommended)

c. iVend APIs (Optional but usually required and recommended)

d. Do not select the Integration Service.

1. Install the SAP Business One DI API of the same Patch Level (PL) as that on the SAP Server to the new server where iVend Enterprise will reside.

2. Stop the Integration service on the old server where the iVend Enterprise Server previously resided.

3. Stop the Replication service on the old server where the iVend Enterprise Server previously resided.

4. Ensure that the Replication service of all the stores is stopped and is not started until the entire migration process has been completed.

5. Take a full backup of the iVend Enterprise Database (CXSRetail) from the old server and restore it on the new server (NoteWhile performing Step 1 above, the installer would have created a new Enterprise database on the new server and therefore the backup from the old server can be restored over the top of the new database that was created during the install process).

6. Open the Connection Manager on this new server and configure the Replication services while providing the new server details.

7. Set the connection details using the Connection Manager option of the iVend Configuration Manager on the new server.

8. Using the iVend Configuration Manager of each store, update the Enterprise server details in the Replication service.

9. Go to Service manager on the old iVend Enterprise server by typing “Services.msc” on the Windows Run command and then browse for “CXS Windows Replication Service”.

10. Right click on the service, from properties and change the Start-up Type to “Disabled”.

11. Remove the iVend Enterprise Database from the old iVend Enterprise server (or take the database offline on the old server).

12. On the old iVend Enterprise server, open the iVend Configuration Manager and then go to: Configure Service > Integration

13. Enter the New iVend Enterprise Server credentials in the iVend Enterprise tab and click on the [Update] button to update the settings.

14. Run iVend Management Console on the new iVend Enterprise Server, when prompted for the License Server, specify the name or IP of the old iVend Enterprise server so that the License Information is selected from the old iVend Server.

15. Update the connection details using the Connection Manager option of the iVend Configuration Manager on the old server as well.

16. Start the Integration Service on the SAP Business One Server (old iVend Enterprise Server).

17. Start the Replication Service for the new iVend Enterprise Server.

18. Start the Replication Service for each individual store.

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