Method not found: 'Void CXS.Retail.POSLogic.POSLogicLayer.LoadRetailContext(System.String)

Method not found: 'Void CXS.Retail.POSLogic.POSLogicLayer.LoadRetailContext(System.String)

Problem Statement

While logging into iVend POS , it displayed the error message :

<Time>09:48:36 a. m.</Time>
<Message>Initialization failure -- shutting down application -- Method not found: 'Void CXS.Retail.POSLogic.POSLogicLayer.LoadRetailContext(System.String)'.</Message>


iVend 6.6 with SAP B1 10.


login into iVend with all users, it displayed the error message.

Workaround / Resolutions

It seems either customer is  using iVend POS 7989 files in demo stack or POS has some customized dll or exe files, which is causing this one. because POS log files contains nodes "<StackFrame22......> & other nodes which are not generally available in normal POS log file.

Suggested  to install iVend POS component on new machine & connect with Store MC & then check if users are able to login into new POS or not.

Reference Ticket
