Manager is not able to do EOD and getting an error message "cannot close other user till "

Manager is not able to do EOD and getting an error message "cannot close other user till "

Problem Statement:

Manager is trying to close or finalize the till  to do EOD, but not able to do so and getting the error message cannot close another user till, “shown in below screenshot”

Root Cause :

"Is manager" checkbox was unchecked,and as the Till mode was user.


Proposed Solution:

Follow the below path to make changes in "ismanager" check box

 Administrator<<human resource<<employee.



Make sure that if the till mode is in user and manager want to do the EOD "ismanager" check box must be checked.

"Ismanager" check box is not a one time configuration. We can make changes in it according to our requirements.

Once we will check it, the check box manager will successfully do the EOD.