Making transaction receipt print Optional

Making transaction receipt print Optional

Article - Template


How to make Receipt Printing at POS optional i.e. If customer doesn't want receipt after completion of transaction, system should not print it.

System Behavior: 

With standard POS operation, Transaction receipt gets printed by default ( at designated printer). However as per Business request as in this case, Not printing of transaction can be achieved with below workaround.

Workaround : 

1 Go to the print profile (which is mapped on POS).

2. Select Transaction receipt and change the Print Types to “Show Printer Selection”.

3. Add transaction receipt in Report Id as shown below , Click Ok.


 4. Once above changes are saved. Restart Point Of Sales and complete the transaction.

5. At Transaction Completion, a pop-up will appear for selecting printer, choose the printer and click OK if you want to print receipt, else click cancel to skip transaction print 







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