Loyalty Program Setup

Loyalty Program Setup

Loyalty Program Setup

iVend Retail includes a fully featured Customer Loyalty program. iVend Loyalty is a points and rewards application designed to enhance the opportunities to win and retain new customers and greatly improve the overall interaction and ongoing engagement with them.

iVend Loyalty forms an integral part of the iVend Retail solution, which is fully integrated and packaged with the iVend Enterprise.

In this article we will take a look at the following topic:

Loyalty Program Setup Overview

Please refer to the other articles in this series on Loyalty, which cover the following topics:

· Loyalty Plan Overview

· Loyalty Levels Overview

· Loyalty Features at the POS

· Award and Redeem Loyalty Points at the POS


Loyalty Program Setup Overview – View Settings

The Loyalty Program Setup screen is used to perform the basic configuration of the Loyalty program(s). It is possible to create multiple loyalty programs in iVend.

In this subject we will be viewing the settings for information purposes. The setup of the Loyalty program(s) will be a function that will be performed at the Enterprise and usually by Head Office administration.

To open the window, in the Management Console navigate to and choose:

Operations > Loyalty > Loyalty Setup

This will open the Loyalty Program Search screen – Select a program and press the [F7 View] button.

We will look at the options that are used to configure iVend Loyalty for information purposes.

Loyalty Program Search screen

Loyalty Program Setup


Loyalty Program Setup

Field Name



This is used to define the code for the Loyalty Program, which can be an alpha-numeric code to a maximum length of 20 characters. The code needs to be a unique identifier.


This serves to provide a description for the Loyalty Program.

Applicable Subsidiary

This field displays the Subsidiary that the Loyalty Program has been assigned to.

This field is only available when the Subsidiary functionality has been enabled at the Enterprise. Only Subsidiaries with the same base currency can be added to a Loyalty program.

Registration Method

The registration method determines how the loyalty membership number for the customer will be generated.

Once this is set and a loyalty customer is created, then this field cannot be changed. A Loyalty customer can be registered in the system based on one of these three valid options:

· Customer Code – The Customer Code generated in iVend Retail will also be the Loyalty Card Number. This is the most commonly used method.

· Loyalty Card – A Loyalty Card Customer can be created from the Loyalty Card screen and is independent of a Customer Code, therefore the Loyalty Card is not linked to any specific customer code.

· Loyalty Card Attached to a Customer Code – This allows for both a Customer Code to be generated and a separate Loyalty Card Number to be created for the same customer.

Card Management

Card Management is used to determine, what kind of Loyalty Card Number is used. Once this is set and a loyalty customer is created, then this field cannot be changed. Valid values are:

Auto Generated – This method will automatically assign a loyalty card number when creating the loyalty customer. A document number series will have to be created in the system for this method.

Pre-Printed – This method will prompt the user to select a loyalty card number form an available list that will need to be setup in the system using the Pre-printed Loyalty Card setup.

User Defined – This method allows the user to manually enter the loyalty card number when creating a loyalty.

If the Registration Method is defined as Customer Code, then the value selected in this field will have no impact.

Level Allocation Method

This is the Level Allocation Method, which determines the criteria that is used to manage loyalty level for level for the customer – possible values are:

· Total Available Points (This is the most commonly used setting)

· Total Awarded Points

· Total Available Currency

· Total Awarded Currency

Is Default

This field indicates whether the Loyalty program is the default for the system.

Award Loyalty Points on Registration

This field will display whether a number of loyalty points are awarded to the customer upon registration. This is used as a welcome bonus to the customer for joining up to the loyalty program. This is an optional setting.

Award Loyalty Currency Unit on Registration

This field will display whether an amount of rewards currency is awarded to the customer upon registration. This is used as a welcome bonus to the customer for joining up to the loyalty program. This is an optional setting.

Award Criteria

This field displays the award criteria that is being used to create a Loyalty plan – valid values are:

· Every Transaction: This method will reward the customer immediately upon completion of a transaction. This the most commonly used method.

· Cumulative Basis: This method will reward the customer on a cumulative basis for historical transactions. The customer would receive the rewards after a designated time and once a certain number of transactions to a certain value had been reached.

Duration for Customer – Special Days

This field displays the duration determined for which a plan will be active when it is set to the type of Special Days For Customer, e.g. Birthdays, Anniversary, etc. Valid Values are:

· Day: This will award points only on the actual date that is a special day for the customer.

· Week: This will award points in the week that the special day for the customer falls in.

· Month: This will award points in the month that the special day for the customer falls in.

· Days Backward Forward: This will award points for a custom date range before and after customer’s special day.

Customer Special days Backward /Forward

If the duration for Customer Special Days is set to Days Backward Forward, then these fields will define the number of days before and after the customer’s special day.

Conflict Resolution Basis

This field determines the Conflict Resolution Basis that sets the criteria to calculate the loyalty points or currency when there are multiple Loyalty plans active – valid values are:

· Global: Points or currency will be awarded to the customer based on the calculation method set in the Conflict Resolution Method field that follows next in the Loyalty Setup screen.

· Plan Global: Points or currency awards will be calculated in two steps.

· First, based on the value in the field Conflict Resolution Method within each Loyalty Plan.

· Second, if there is more than one plan, then the points or currency will be awarded to the customer based on the calculation method set in the Conflict Resolution Method field that follows next within the Loyalty Setup screen.

Conflict Resolution Method

This field determines what Conflict Resolution Method will be used to calculate the loyalty points or currency to be awarded to the customer, should multiple Loyalty plans be active – valid values are:

· Minimum: The minimum points or currency calculated from the multiple plans will be awarded to the customer.

· Maximum: The maximum points or currency calculated from the multiple plans will be awarded to the customer. This is the most commonly used method.

· Sum Total: The total number of points or currency calculated from the multiple plans will be awarded to the customer.

· Average: The average number of points or currency calculated from the multiple plans will be awarded to the customer.

Level Management Method (Days)

These fields determine the Level Management Method that will be used to set the movement from one level to another within the plan. This will be based on the points or currency that are available or that were awarded to the customer as per the Level Allocation Method selected earlier in the Loyalty Setup – valid values are:

· Manual: All customers will retain their current level unless a manual update is performed.

· Automatic: The system will automatically update the customer’s level after every transaction, based on the points or currency that the customer has. The threshold limits for each level will govern the movement. This is the most commonly used method. This is the most commonly used setting.

· Automatic After X Days: System will calculate and update the customer‘s level after the X number of days have elapsed. If this method is selected then the number of days must be entered in the Days field.

Redemption Method

The method determined in this field is used to set the criteria by which the redemption of points will be calculated – valid values are:

· Current Level: This method calculates the currency available for redemption after considering the points-to-currency conversion ratio and redemption percentage defined for the level. This is the most commonly used method.

· Fallback: This method calculates the currency available for redemption after considering the points-to-currency conversion ratio and redemption percentage defined for the level on a sliding level concept.

Refund Method

This field determines the Refund Method that the Loyalty program will use to roll back points or currency that were awarded in a transaction, when a refund is performed – valid values are:

· All Rewards: This option is used when all points or currency that were awarded in a transaction are rolled back in the refund regardless of whether a partial refund is being performed or not.

· On pro-rate basis: This option is used when the points or currency awarded in a transaction are rolled back on a pro-rata basis. This means that only the points relating to the item(s) being partially refunded in a transaction would be affected and the customer would retain the remaining points or currency awarded for the items in the transaction that weren’t being refunded. This is the mostly commonly used setting.

· Do not refund rewards: This option is used when all the points or currency that were awarded in a transaction are not rolled back regardless of how many items are being refunded. The customer will retain all points or currency that was awarded to them regardless of the refund.

Points Expiry Override Allowed

This field determines whether a Points Expiry Override is allowed or not. When checked, the system will provide an extension to the expiry period by the number of days set in the field, Override Points Expiry Date With In (Days) and Grace Period (Days) Allowed For Points Expiry Date Override.

Override Points Expiry Date With In (Days)

This field displays the number of days set for the Override Points Expiry Date With In (Days), which will then determine the extended expiry date.

Grace Period (Days) Allowed For Points Expiry Date Override

This field displays the number of days set for the Grace Period (Days) Allowed For Points Expiry Date Override, which will determine the number of days until which the points or currency can be redeemed.

Enable Email Notification

This field indicates whether Email Notification for loyalty customers has been enabled or not.

Enable SMS Notification

This field indicates whether SMS Notification for loyalty customers has been enabled or not.

Email/SMS Service Interval (Minutes)

This field defines the number of minutes that have set as an interval for sending Email and SMS notifications.

Exchange Loyalty Data Between Store

When this option is checked then it indicates that Loyalty Data is exchanged between the stores. The stores will then have visibility and use of the loyalty transaction information of the customer across the entire Enterprise that use the same Loyalty Program.

Award Points on Loyalty Tender

If this option is checked then it indicates that points will still be awarded to the sale transaction even though the tender type used to pay is Loyalty Redemption.

Do Not Award Points with Redemption

If this option is checked then it indicates that loyalty points are not awarded on a transaction where a customer has redeemed loyalty points.

Include Tax In Award Points

If this option is selected then it indicates the awarded points are calculated on the total price inclusive of tax.

Points Allocation Mechanism

This is option indicates the rounding method used in the calculation and allocation of points – valid values are:

· Floor (The calculation of points to award will be round down)

· Ceiling (The calculation of points to award will be rounded up)

View Transaction Receipt on Customer Website

Enable Transaction Receipt

When this is checked then it indicates that the Transaction Receipt will be available to view on the Loyalty Customer Portal.

The Loyalty Customer Portal is a separate licensed component.

Loyalty Website Link

This field will display the link to the retailer’s Loyalty Customer Portal home page.

Report Name

This will display the Transaction Receipt report that will be used on the Loyalty Customer Portal.

This field needs to be populated when the option Enable Transaction Receipt has been enabled.


This field will display the iVend API URL that is used for the integration of the Loyalty Customer Portal.


[Points Expiry Setup]

The Points Expiry Setup window is used to configure expiry of the Loyalty points or currency based on certain criteria that work on a combination of Expiry Method, Customer Type, Customer Value, Loyalty Level, Expiry Days and Expiry Date.

[Add Logo]

This button enables the user to browse for and add a company logo.

This button is enabled only when iVend Retail is running in Loyalty standalone mode.

[Remove Logo]

This button allows the user to remove the company logo.

 This button is enabled only when iVend Retail is running in Loyalty standalone mode.

[Referral Setup]

This button allows for the feature of Loyalty Referral setup, where an existing customer will be rewarded with loyalty points or currency upon referral of another new customer to the retail business.


This button saves any changes made and will close the Loyalty Program Setup window. This button will not be available in View mode.


This button will not save any changes made and will close the Loyalty Program window.

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