Field | Description/Activity |
General |
Loyalty Program | This field displays the Loyalty Program that the Loyalty Plan is assigned to. |
Code | This is used to define the code for the Loyalty Plan, which can be an alpha-numeric code to a maximum length of 20 characters. The code needs to be a unique identifier. |
Description | This serves to provide a description for the Loyalty Plan, which can be a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters. |
Plan Type | This field displays the type of the Loyalty Plan. There can be multiple plans of each type that can be active at the same time in the system – valid values are: · Normal Plans: These are the standard system plans that are designed to perform the regular, every day functions of the Loyalty Program. These are the plans that operate all the time and are invoked whenever a transaction that is linked to a loyalty customer is completed at the POS. · Special Days Plans: These plans are invoked whenever a transaction that is linked to a loyalty customer is completed at the POS however, only on the special days that have been defined for the Loyalty Program in the system. · Special Days for Customers Plans: These are similar in fashion to the Special Days Plans however, these are invoked only on the special days for the customer such as on the birthdays and anniversaries of the Loyalty customers. |
Start Date/Time | These fields display the Start Dates/Times for which the plan will be applicable and active. By default, the system will populate these values with the current date/time when a new plan is created but the values can be changed as needed. When the Time value is blank then it simply indicates that there is no applicable time restriction however, a start date should always be defined. |
End Date/Time | These fields display the End Dates/Times for which the plan will be applicable and active. If an End Date/Time is set then the plan will automatically deactivate after the Date/Time defined. If no Date/Time is entered, then the plan will continue to run indefinitely. |
Conflict Resolution | This field displays the mechanism set for Conflict Resolution should there be multiple plans active in the system – valid values are: · Minimum · Maximum · Sum Total · Average Refer to the section on Conflict Resolution in the Loyalty Program for more details on how the Conflict Resolution Method is managed in the system.
Transaction Days Before | This field displays the number of Transaction Days Before to be used on a cumulative basis to calculate the loyalty rewards, e.g. If this is set to 100 then the transactions over the last 100 days will be used to calculate level of loyalty reward given to the customer. This field is only displayed and available when the Award Criteria in the Loyalty Program Setup screen is set to Cumulative Basis.
Active | This displays whether the Loyalty Plan is active or not. Plans that are not active (unchecked) are not used to calculate any loyalty points at the POS. |
Buttons |
[Add Row] | This button adds a Loyalty Plan detail row This button cannot be used in View mode.
[Delete Row] | This button is used to delete an existing Loyalty Plan detail row This button cannot be used in View mode.
[Applicable] | Clicking this button will display the Loyalty Plan Applicability screen, which will show the stores days and times that the plan will be applicable for. The Date/Time settings are not available for Loyalty Programs where the Award Criteria is set to Cumulative Basis.
[Exception Rule/Special Days Setup] | Clicking this button will display the Exception Rules and Special Days that are applicable to the Loyalty Plan. The Special Days section will only appear if the Plan Type is defined as Special Days.
The Exception Rules are predefined. If selected, then all items that fall within the parameters of the rules will be excluded from earning any points or currency in the Loyalty Plan regardless of whether they are included in the scheme or not.
The exception rules are: · Exclude all items on promotion: All items that are included in promotional programs within the system will be excluded. · Exclude all items with discount override: Any items that have been have been marked to allow a discount override will be excluded. · Exclude all items with discount greater than X percent: If any items are awarded a discount at the POS that is greater than the percentage defined for this setting, then they will be excluded. When this rule is selected then a percentage value for the calculation needs to be defined. · Exclude all items with price override: Any items that are marked to allow a price override will be excluded. · Exclude all items with price override greater than X amount: If any items are given a price override at the POS that is greater than the amount defined for this setting, then they will be excluded. When this rule is selected then an amount value for the calculation needs to be defined. · Exclude items on layaway: If any items are placed on Layaway (Layby), then they will be excluded. Exception Rules are not available for selection when the Award Criteria set on the Loyalty Program that is linked to the Loyalty Plan is defined as Cumulative Basis.
[OK] | When this button is selected, then all changes made to the Loyalty Plan will be saved and the screen will be closed. This button cannot be used in View mode.
[Cancel] | When this button is selected, then no changes made will be saved and the screen will be closed. |
Plan Details |
Exempt | If this check box is selected against a line, then it indicates that the particular row detail will be ignored by the loyalty program when evaluating transactions in making calculations to award points or currency. |
Must Process | If this check box is selected against a line, then it indicates that the particular row detail will become a mandatory process by the loyalty program when evaluating transactions in making calculations to award points or currency. The “Exempt” and the “Must Process” check boxes are mutually exclusive, meaning that only one can be selected at a time per detail row in the Loyalty Plan setup.
Customer Type | This displays the Loyalty Customer Type that is being used for the defined detail row of Loyalty Plan -valid values are: · All: This indicates that the plan detail row will be applicable to all loyalty customers. This is the most commonly used setting. · Customer Code: This indicates that the plan detail row will be applicable to one specific loyalty customer. · Customer Group: This indicates that the plan detail row will be applicable to one specific group of loyalty customers. |
Customer Value | The value displayed in this field is dictated by the value that was selected in the previous field, Customer Type, therefore: · If Customer Type = All: Then this field will remain blank and will not have a value. · If Customer Type = Customer Code: Then this field will display one specific customer code. · If Customer Type = Customer Group: Then this field will display one specific customer group. |
Level | This field can display a specific Loyalty Level if one has been set, then the calculations defined in the row to award points or currency will only be applicable to that particular Level. If the field is left blank, which is the system default, then the calculations will apply to all Loyalty Levels. |
Criteria Group and Criteria Value | This field will display the Criteria Group that will be used by the Loyalty Plan when calculating points or currency to award to customers – valid values are: · All: This means that the Loyalty Plan will apply to all Criteria Groups. This is the system default and mostly commonly used setting. · Item: If Item is selected then an item will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to that one specific item. · Item Group: If Item Group is selected then an item group will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to that one specific item group. · Promotion: If Promotion is selected then a Promotion will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to that one specific Promotion. · Layaway: If Layaway is selected then a Layaway Plan will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to that one specific Layaway Plan. · Bill Value: If Bill Value is selected then an amount will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to transactions where the bill value is equal to or greater than the amount specified. · Bill Quantity: If Bill Quantity is selected then an amount will be defined in the Criteria Value and the Loyalty Plan row details will only apply to transactions where the Bill Quantity is equal to or greater than the amount specified. |
Criteria Value | This field will display a value that is relevant to the selection made under the Criteria Group. |
Transaction Criteria / Transaction Count | The Transaction Criteria field displays the parameters by which the Loyalty Plan will make its calculations per transaction to award points or currency – valid values are: · Every: If this is selected then the Loyalty Plan row details will be calculated on every transaction. The value in the Transaction Count field will normally be set to 1 if this setting is selected but a higher value can be defined. These are the default and most commonly used settings. · Equal: If this is selected then the Loyalty Plan row details will be calculated on the number of transactions that equal the value that is defined in the Transaction Count field. · Greater: If this is selected then the Loyalty Plan row details will be calculated on the number of transactions that are greater than the value that is defined in the Transaction Count field. The Transaction Criteria field is only available when the Award Criteria defined in the Loyalty Program Setup is set to Every Transaction.
Transaction Count | The value displayed in this field will the count that is to be used in conjunction with the setting defined in the Transaction Criteria field. The value in this field must be a minimum of 1. This Transaction Count field is only available when the Award Criteria defined in the Loyalty Program Setup is set to Every Transaction.
Calculation Basis | The Calculation Basis field will display the parameters by which the calculation for points or currency will be based on. This field works in conjunction with the Calculation On and Calculation Value fields – valid values are: · Amount: If Amount is selected, then the system will calculate awards based on the transaction amount value that is specified in the Calculation Value field. This is the system default and most commonly used setting. The Amount option will not be available if the Criteria Group is set to Bill Quantity. · Quantity: If Quantity is selected, then the system will calculate awards based on the transaction quantity value that is specified in the Calculation Value field. The Quantity option will not be available if the Criteria Group is set to Bill Value. |
Calculation On | The Calculation On field will display the parameters by which the calculation for points or currency will be performed on – valid values are: · Every: If this is selected then the awards will be given per occurrence of the value specified in the Criteria Value field. This is the system default and most commonly used setting. · Greater or Equal: If this is selected then the awards will be given the transaction value is equal to or greater than the value specified in the Calculation Value field. |
Calculation Value | This field will display the value for which the calculation for awards will be performed in conjunction with the settings defined in the Calculation Basis and Calculation On fields. |
Tender | This field will display the Tender type if one is chosen that the Loyalty Plan row details will calculate awards on. If a tender type is selected then the awards will only be calculated on that specific tender type and all others will be ignored when calculating awards. The system default and most commonly used setting is to leave this field blank. This option is available only when the Criteria Group is set to Bill Value.
Award | This field will display the type of reward that the loyalty customer will receive when a transaction is performed. This field works in conjunction with the Award Value field – valid values are: · Point: If this option is selected then the customer will be awarded a number of points as per the setting defined in the Award Value field. Points can be set to convert to currency and the conversion is defined in the setup of Loyalty Levels. Points is the system default and the most commonly used setting as it provides the most flexibility for calculating points and to how much currency rewards for those points will be given to the customer. · Currency: If this option is selected then the customer will be awarded currency units as per the setting defined in the Award Value field. The system allows for the configuration of multiple Loyalty Plan detail rows that award a combination either points and/or currency.
Award Value | This field displays the number of points or the amount of currency that the customer will receive when they qualify for rewards according to the criteria defined in the Loyalty Plan detail row. |