Loyalty Group Membership V1

Loyalty Group Membership V1

Loyalty – Group Membership

The loyalty application allows the user to create logical groups of existing loyalty members so that they can enjoy the benefits of rewards together as a group. When a group is formed, all the individual points of the members are combined together to arrive at a combined level. For example, if three members in a family are loyalty members where two are Bronze members and the other is a Silver member, then because of aggregation of their points they could collectively attain the status of Gold membership. From thereon they can redeem the rewards applicable to Gold members and points shall be awarded based on the Gold membership status. However, their individual status is no longer valid and the system will always track their transactions based on group membership. If a member decides to leave the group, then that member forfeits all the points and currency belonging to the group and starts at the lowest level as an individual member defined in the system.

Business Case

There are scenarios where two or many memberships are from the same family such as husband, wife, brother, sister, etc. They want to group all the family members into one group and then be able to redeem all the points from all different loyalty membership cards.


Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to iVend Management Console > Operations > Loyalty > Membership Group – the Loyalty Membership Group Search screen comes up.

Figure 1 – Loyalty Member Group Search Screen


1. Click the [F3 New] button to create a new Loyalty Membership Group.

Figure 2 – Loyalty Member Group Screen


2. Click [Add Loyalty Customer] to search and select one or more loyalty customers. 

Note: Ctrl-Click allows you to select multiple random members from the Loyalty Customer Search screen.

Figure 3 – Loyalty Customer Search Screen


3. Then click the [Ok] button to save the selection and to add the loyalty customers to the new group.

Note: If the user wants to remove one of loyalty members from the Group, select the member and then click the [Remove Loyalty Customer] button on the Membership Group screen.

Note: If there is only one member left in the group, then the group will become inactive as a Membership Group requires at least two (2) members to be valid.

Let us look at the following example to show the results of creating a Membership Group.

Before grouping, we see that Customers C0001 and C0019 are not part of any Membership Group. Customer C0001 is at the Bronze level and Customer C0019 is at the Platinum level.

C0001Customer: C0001:


Figure 4 – Loyalty Points Information


C00 19Customer C0019:


Figure 5 – Loyalty Points Information


After creating the Membership Group and adding Customers C0001 and C0019 to the group.

Figure 6 – Loyalty Member Group Screen


After Grouping, we check and can see that Customer C0001 is now part of a group with C0019 and their status has been upgraded from the Bronze status that they had before being added to the Membership Group with Customer C0019, i.e. Platinum.

C0001Customer C0001 is now part of a Membership Group and their status has become Platinum.


Figure 7 – Loyalty Points Information


This concludes the document on – Loyalty Group Membership.

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