Loyalty Features at the POS

Loyalty Features at the POS

Loyalty - Loyalty Features at the POS

iVend Retail includes a fully featured Customer Loyalty program. iVend Loyalty is a points and rewards application designed to enhance the opportunities to win and retain new customers and greatly improve the overall interaction and ongoing engagement with them.

iVend Loyalty forms an integral part of the iVend Retail solution, which is fully integrated and packaged with the iVend Enterprise.

In this article we will take a look at the following topic:

· Loyalty Features at the POS

Please refer to the other articles in this series on Loyalty, which cover the following topics:

· Loyalty Program Setup Overview

· Loyalty Plan Overview

· Loyalty Levels Overview

· Award and Redeem Loyalty Points at the POS

Loyalty Features at the POS

In this section we will take a look at some of the useful features available to display Customer Loyalty Information at the POS – these include:

· Customer Information Panel

· Customer Master Account View

· Loyalty Points Transaction Details

· Referred Members

· Customer Dashboard


Customer Information Panel

On the Main Transaction Screen at the POS the user will find the Customer Information Panel that forms a component of the POS Transaction Information Grid.

The panel is highly customizable and a number of the Customer Loyalty details can be displayed on this panel as follows – refer to the following screen image:

· Loyalty Id and Name

· Loyalty Level

· Awarded Points or Currency

· Available Points or Currency

· Redeemed Points or Currency

· Expired Points or Currency

· Loyalty References

Figure 1 - Customer Information Panel – Showing Loyalty Details


Customer Master Account View

The Customer Master Account information can be accessed from the POS. Depending on the level of authorization, the user can add, edit and view the details of the customer.

Information pertinent to the Loyalty program in iVend that is available on the Customer Master Account includes the following – refer to the following screen image:

· Loyalty Membership

· Loyalty Id and Name

· Loyalty Program

· Loyalty Level

· Notifications

· Detail Loyalty Points Information

· Loyalty Referee Information

· Link to the Loyalty Referred Members List

· Link to the Loyalty Points Transaction Details

· Link to the Customer Dashboard


Figure 2 – Loyalty Points Information


Figure 3 - Customer Master Account at the POS



Loyalty Points Transaction Details

The user can view the Loyalty Points Transaction Details of the Loyalty Customer at the Management Console and also at the POS. The screen is accessed via a button on the Customer Master Account screen.

If Exchange Loyalty Data Between Stores has been enabled in the Loyalty Program Setup then this screen will display the Loyalty Points Transaction Details from all stores that use the same Loyalty Program, otherwise only the information pertinent to the current store will be viewable.

Information pertinent to the Loyalty Points Transaction Details are as follows – refer to the following screen image:

· Transaction Date and Business Date

· Store

· Transaction Id

· Points or Currency Awarded

· Points or Currency Redeemed

· Points Expiry Date

· Expired Indicator


Figure 4 - Loyalty Points Transaction Details


Referred Members List

The user can view the Referred Members of the Loyalty Customer at the Management Console and also at the POS. The screen is accessed via a button on the Customer Master Account screen.

This screen will display a list of all the Loyalty customers where the current customer being viewed was the Referee.

The user can search of Referred Members and can select any from the search results to view their Account Master Information if desired.

The referee for the current customers account is displayed on the main screen of the account master.


Figure 5 – Customer Search Screen



Customer Dashboard

The user can view the Customer Dashboard of the Loyalty Customer at the Management Console and also at the POS. The screen is accessed via a small graphical icon located up on the top right-hand corner of the Customer Master Account screen.

Figure 6 – Point of Sale Screen


Information pertinent to all customers and not only the Loyalty Customer however, the dashboard contains additional information that is specifically related to the Loyalty Program that the customer is a member of.

The dashboard includes the following information – refer to the following screen image:

· Total and YTD Sales

· Sales By Product Group

· Online Versus In-store Sales

· Net Sales with Refunds

· Customer Balances

· Transaction History

· Loyalty Details

Figure 7 - Customer Dashboard


This concludes the document on – Loyalty Features at the POS.

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