Logo Printing on Transaction Receipt

Logo Printing on Transaction Receipt

iVend POS – Printing the Company Logo on the Thermal POS Receipt

How to Configure the Logo for Printing on the POS Receipt

Follow the steps mentioned below to configure the logo for printing on the transaction receipt.

1. Log into the Management Console and go to: Administration > Retail Configuration > Print Profile

2. Select the Print Profile that is attached to the store POS, where the Logo needs to be added.

Figure 1 Print Profile Search

Choose the available print profile and click the [F4 Edit] button to edit the record.

You can edit the XML format of any of the following POS receipts however this cannot be performed directly within the Print Profile window. The user must export the design via the Receipt Print Format window (Receipt Designer).:

Administration > Retail Configuration > Receipt Print Formats

Figure 2 Receipt Designer

3. Place the “Path and Filename” in the xml of the Print Receipt as highlighted in the below picture.

4. The logo must be in a Monochrome .BMP image format. You can use Microsoft Paint to convert the logo to a Monochrome image.

5. The logo must be saved in all POS machines in the same path from where the POS receipts will be printed.


Figure 3 XML File


6. The image below shows the logo on the thermal receipt that is printed at the POS.


Figure 4 Receipt


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