Linked server creation from SAPB1 HANA Server to SQL Server

Linked server creation from SAPB1 HANA Server to SQL Server

Environment :

iVend 6.6 With SAPB1 HANA Server

Problem Statement :

There is need to access SAPB1 HANA tables on iVend Enterprise database 

Resolution :

You can check out the below video link to create Linked server from HANA to SQL Server

The below given are the scripts to create Linked servers

HANA Server :

exec sp_addlinkedserver
@server ='',--Description
@srvproduct ='HANA',--Description
@Provider='MSDASQL',--MS OLEDB Provider
@datasrc='HANAServerN'--ODBC system DSN

exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname='',--same as the above
@rmtuser='SYSTEM',--HANA user
@rmtpassword='manager'--hana password

After that you can check the same on iVend HO Database by accessing SAPB1 HANA Tables as below

select Cardcode from [].."SBODEMOUS"."OCRD"

Note : It is only suggestion for support team however it is expected that Customer/partner should create linked server from SAPB1 HANA Server.