Line and Sale Attribute

Line and Sale Attribute

Sale and Line Level Attributes


Sales Attributes


iVend Retail enables retailers the ability to set up additional analysis parameters at the POS to capture extra information while performing transactions, which are called Sales Attributes – this is in addition to the standard information that can be captured through Sales edits.

For example, customer feedback could be captured or supplementary information such as the customers phone number or postcode, which could be used for marketing and additional sales analysis – these can be set for each transaction.


Sales Attributes can be defined to capture information at the beginning of the transaction or at the end of the transaction.


Business Case


A Retailer who is using the iVend application, wants to set up a Sales Attributes at the end of every transaction on the POS to capture certain information such as the Vehicle Registration number of the customer. The Retailer wants this information for extended reporting purposes.


Benefits of Using the Sales attributes

· It helps the retailer to capture any information related to the sold product. In this example, the Retailer that is selling the car tyres wants to capture the car registration related information, which will help in follow-up service to the customer.

· Based upon the information captured, the retailer can also run tailored reports to use for analysis purpose.

· With the Sales Attributes feature, the retailer can obtain customer feedback to improve their business processes.


Setup and Configuration


Path to open the setup screen: Administration > Retail Configuration > Sale Attribute


Figure 1 Sale Attribute Search

To create a new Sales Attribute, click on the [F3 New] button, which will open the Sale Attribute setup screen as shown in the image below. Enter the details as per the business requirement.

Figure 2 Sale Attribute

The following table explains the field details on the Sale Attributes setup screen:

Setup Screen




Enter a unique name for the Sale Attribute.


Enter the sequence in which the attribute needs to be displayed and prompted on the Sales Attribute screen at the POS. More than one screen can be set up to collect information.


Use this option, if the user at the POS is required to enter the value in the attribute screen to proceed further, i.e. It becomes mandatory for the cashier to enter a value.

Capture Type

Select one of the following:

Beginning of Sale – This will prompt for a value to be entered at the POS before the transaction begins.

End of Sale – This option will prompt for a value to be entered for the attribute once the user at the POS completes the transaction by pressing either of the Payments buttons – [F11 Quick Complete Cash] or [F12 Payments].

Validation Type

Select a Validation Type from the following:

None: No validation is applied by the system on the values entered by the user. This is the system default.

Table: The list of options for the field will be shown from a table defined in the Table Name field.

Valid Values: The user can define a list of valid values by clicking on the Details button. These valid values will then be shown to the POS user while performing the transaction at the POS.

Customer: The user can define a list of Customers and these will then be shown to the POS user while performing the transaction at the POS.

Product: The user can define a list of products from the available products in the system and these will be shown to the POS user while performing the transaction at the POS.

Note: The Validation Type has to be decided at the time of creating the Sale Attribute – Once the attribute has been saved to the system it cannot be changed.

Default Value

Enter a default value for the attribute, which will be displayed at the POS. The user can then change the value at the POS if needed.

RegEx Pattern

Enter a Regular Expression Pattern, which is to be used for validating the data input by the POS user.

Table Name

Enter the Table Name from where the values are to be shown in a list format to the user at the POS – this is required if the Validation Type is selected as “Table”.

Is Integrated

Mark this flag if the captured information is to be integrated to an ERP such as SAP Business One.

Integrated Field Name

Enter the name of the User Defined Field (UDF) to which the Sale Attribute information is to be integrated to in the ERP.

Is Active

Select this option if the Sale Attribute is active.

Is Visible

Select this option if the Sale Attribute is to be visible to the user at the POS.


Select the transaction types for which the Sale Attribute is to be captured – the options are:

· Sale

· Sale Refund

· Sale Exchange

· Special Order

· Layaway

· Quotation

· Gift Certificate

· Coupon Issue

· Delivery

By default all are selected, therefore the user needs to deselect the flag for the transactions where the information is not required to be captured.

To save the changes made to the Sales Attribute setup, click on the [Ok] button.


Applying the Sales Attribute at the POS


After selecting the customer and products, the POS user will proceed to complete the transaction by clicking on the Payment button. As the attribute created in our example is defined to be captured at the End of the Sale, then the Sales Attributes screen will appear. The POS user will enter the details to further complete the transaction and proceed with processing the payment from the customer.

Figure 3 Sale Attribute Collection


Transaction Item Attributes

iVend Retail enables retailers with the ability to set up extra analysis parameters to capture additional information in a POS transaction at the item level – This is in addition to the standard data that can be captured in the system via the Item level edits.

Business Case

A Retailer who is using the iVend application wants to set up a product level attribute to capture information when the product is selected at the POS. Retailers can then enter the information which is required before the product is sold to the customer.

Benefits of using Transaction Item Attributes

· It helps the retailer to capture additional non-standard information related to the sold             
  product. E.g., A Retailer that is selling car tyres can capture additional car related
  information that could be used for follow-up services to the customer.

· Based upon the captured information, the retailer can also
  run tailored reports for extended analysis purposes.

· With the product level attributes, retailers can enter the item level information while
  performing the transaction and by gaining the information needed while interacting
  directly with the customer.


Setup and Configuration

Path to open the Transaction Item Attribute setup screen: Administration > Retail Configuration > Transaction Item Attribute.

Figure 4 Transaction Item Attribute Search


To create a new Product Item Attribute, click on the [F3 New] button.

This will open the Transaction Item Attribute window that we see in the image below. Here the user can enter the details required to meet their business processes.

Figure 5 Transaction Item Attribute

The table below provides a detailed explanation of the fields in the Transaction Item Attribute setup screen:

Setup Screen




Enter a unique name of the Transaction Item Attribute.


Enter the sequence in which the attribute needs to be displayed and prompted on the Item Attribute Collection window at the POS. More than one screen can be set up to collect information.


Select this option if it will be mandatory to enter the value in the attribute screen to proceed further.


Validation Type

Select a Validation Type from the following:

None: No validation is applied by the system on the values entered by the user. This is the system default.

Table: The list of options for the field will be shown from a table defined in the Table Name field.

Valid Values: The user can define a list of valid values by clicking on the Details button. These valid values will then be shown to the POS user while performing the transaction at the POS.

Note: The Validation Type has to be decided at the time of creating the Sale Attribute – Once the attribute has been saved to the system it cannot be changed.

Default Value

Enter the default value for the attribute that would be displayed at the POS.

RegEx Pattern

Enter the Regular Expression Pattern, which is to be used for validating the data input by the POS user.

Table Name

Enter the Table Name from where the values are to be shown in a list format to the user at the POS – this is required if the Validation Type is selected as “Table”.

Is Integrated

Mark this flag if the captured information is to be integrated to an ERP such as SAP Business One.

Integrated Field Name

Enter the name of the User Defined Field (UDF) to which the Transaction Item Attribute information is to be integrated to in the ERP.

Is Active

Select this option if the Transaction Item Attribute is active.

Is Visible

Select this option if the Transaction Item Attribute is to be visible to the user at the POS.


Select the transaction types for which the Transaction Item Attribute is to be captured – the options are:

· Sale

· Sale Refund

· Sale Exchange

· Special Order

· Layaway

· Quotation

· Gift Certificate

· Coupon Issue

· Delivery

By default all are selected, therefore the user needs to deselect the flag for the transactions where the information is not required to be captured.

To save the changes made in the setup of the Transaction Item Attribute, click on the [Ok] button.


Applying the Transaction Item Attribute at the POS


At the POS, the user will first select the customer and then scan in the product(s) to be sold.


There are two mechanisms for capturing the Transaction Item Attribute:

· If the Required setting for the attribute is checked (enabled): On adding the products to the transaction at the POS, the Item Attribute Collection screen will automatically open and the POS user will need to enter a value before proceeding further with processing the transaction.

· If the Required setting for the attribute is not checked (disabled): The POS user can then access the Item Attribute Collection window for the line item selected via the [F5 Item Edit] button – there the will find a [Collect Attributes] button on the Item Edit screen where they can select it and enter the value required as a manual optional process.



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