Limitation in Integration Failure Monitor to show records upto 1000 count

Limitation in Integration Failure Monitor to show records upto 1000 count

Product Version: 

iVend 6.6  with ERP

Problem Statement: 

Transaction Records Showing Failed in Integration Monitor not showing in Integration Failure Monitor.

Proposed Solution:

Integration Failure Records shows records up to 1000 so if Integration Monitor shows let's say 10,000 records then Integration Failure monitor will display only top 1000 records and to see the rest of records i.e remaining 9000 records, one will have to check them manually from the database.

Run the below SQL queries in the database:

select 'Processing Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=0 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Processed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=1 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Failed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog (nolock) where Flag=0 and Status=1

Check for the results where results are marked as a flag,1 and Status,1 which means Is processed and Failed is true.

Steps if any: 


Constraints / Scenarios: