Licensing in iVend Cloud

Licensing in iVend Cloud

Licensing in iVend Cloud

iVend Retail is now available On Cloud and has replaced all existing iVend Retail Subscription and Perpetual pricing.  The following is the licensing structure:

  1. A simple approach to licensing focused on the number of POS licenses per device and iVend Cloud users (Formerly Management Console User).  The store license has been removed from iVend Cloud pricing.
  2. The standard monthly charge for iVend POS and iVend Mobile POS is $180 USD per month, per device.
  3. The standard monthly charge for an iVend Cloud user is $95 USD per month per concurrent user.
  4. Minimum monthly contract value is $1,200 USD per month net to CitiXsys. Therefore, a customer below 5 POS will need to pay a minimum of $1,200 USD per month to gain access to iVend Cloud.  
  5. Volume discounting is available and applicable to the entire licensed order (excluding services) and based on the number of POS subscription licenses in the following brackets;
10 to 20 POS attracts a 10% discount
21 to 50 POS attracts a 20% discount
51 to 100 POS attracts a 30% discount
101 to 250 POS attracts a 40% discount
251+ POS attracts a 50% discount

PLEASE NOTE: The volume discount applies to the first order received from the customer ONLY and the prices are locked in for the duration of the contracted period. 

  1. All licenses come with a minimum 12-month commitment from date of initial purchase however, can be paid for monthly or annually to suit the customer’s preference.  Customers that choose to remit payment monthly will enter into a credit card payment contract directly with CitiXsys. Customers who choose to pay licenses annually will receive a 10% discount. 
  2. There will also be an option to commit to a 3-year purchase contract with a financial incentive of 15% discount if paid for up front in full, or else the price will only attract a 7% discount off the standard monthly charge if committed to 3 years but paid for monthly.  

Please Note: there is a requirement at purchase for an iVend Cloud user to be included for each physical brick and mortar store and one for the enterprise. For example, a retailer with 10 stores and 20 POS will need 11 iVend Cloud user licenses and 20 POS device licenses.
  1. There will be no limit on the number of iVend stores that can be created on iVend Cloud and licensing for the iVend store will remain free regardless of the number required. 
  2. All other solutions like Loyalty, Passes, ERP connectors will also be available by subscription and will change from the 1st February.  Please refer to eStore for details.  These licenses also include application and infrastructure management services along with Support365 standard. 
  3. API access to connect iVend Cloud with a third party system will be $200USD per month per system and the same discounts as noted above apply. 
  4. A fee to maintain a separate QA and test system on iVend Cloud will incur a fixed cost of $550 USD per month or 10% of the overall iVend monthly license fee, whichever is higher no further discounts apply. 
  5. The license configuration cannot be reduced during the minimum contractual period from the initial date of purchase nor cancelled 
  6. An iVend Cloud user can be a user based anywhere that can access iVend Cloud from a supported web browser and is not restricted by where they physically are located at the time. A software and hardware guide will be provided detailing what is supported with iVend Cloud.  At this stage we can confirm that testing has shown the most popular web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari are supported. 
  7. The iVend Cloud user will be a concurrent user access so one concurrent user can access iVend Cloud against three named users. This means for three named users only one concurrent user may suffice. However, the minimum still applies of one iVend Cloud user per store and one for the iVend Enterprise 
  8. Price protection for iVend Cloud licensing will be offered only for the committed contractual period. 
  9. Orders that include Support 365 Premium attracts an additional 15% on top of the standard monthly subscription license fee. 
  10. Temporary licenses are also available to customers who require additional licensing to manage busy periods like Christmas. The per month price for iVend POS on iVend Cloud is $250 USD and for an iVend Cloud user $150 USD per month. The contractual period has to be less than a year for this pricing to apply. 
  11. Partners can purchase a demo environment on iVend Cloud for $350 USD per month. A demo environment will include 2 Stores + 2 POS’ + 2 Management Console Users.
  12. Partners please contact your Channel Sales Manager for all your quoting requirements for iVend Cloud to ensure you are provided with the most accurate costing with all available discounts included


Understanding the payment process

  1. An order that is initiated from a lead delivered to CitiXsys by a Sales Partner will be booked directly with CitiXsys by the Customer and the customer will remit payment directly to CitiXsys. The referral fee in the first year of the order due to the Sales Partner of 10% will be paid or credited against the partner’s account by the 25th of the following month for whatever payments are received by the 30th of the current month.  Billing for orders from Gold and Platinum partners will occur between CitiXsys and the partner. 
  2. iVend Cloud contracts can be paid for monthly. For all monthly payment contracts regardless of which partner level initiated or sold the contract will still require the customer to enter into a direct billing arrangement with CitiXsys where the customer agrees to regular monthly payments deducted from a valid credit card.  iVend subscription contracts paid for annually and 3 years in advance can be managed by the Gold and or Platinum partner directly with the customer.  Partner Margin owed to Gold and or Platinum partners for all monthly subscription contracts will be paid or credited against the partner's account by the 25th of the following month for all payments received by the 30th of the current month. 
  3. Customers and partners can pay CitiXsys with a credit card or by electronic bank transfer. This is valid for monthly as well as annual payments. Where the customer commits and pays for a 3 year term upfront then the partner must also remit full payment to CitiXsys. 
  4. Payment Cycle will be aligned to the 1st of every month. For orders received during the month the first invoice will be till the end of the following month and then all subsequent invoices will be billed 1st to 30th/ 31st of each subsequent month. 
  5. Discounts available on contractual period commitment is as follows;
  6. 3 Year commitment and monthly payment - 7%. 
  7. 1 Year Upfront Payment - 10%. 
  8. 3 Year Upfront Payment - 15%. 
  9. Customers must commit to a minimum 1-year contract to iVend Cloud. The annual contract will be renewed automatically in the absence of a formal written notice to terminate the service.
  10. Customers are also required to give a minimum 30 days’ notice to discontinue the service. The last invoice will be aligned and prorated to the anniversary date of the original order. 
  11. Customers on active contracts are entitled to all major and minor upgrades. The monthly subscription amount however does not cover upgrade services. Upgrading the UAT / Production Environment will be a separate paid professional services contract.

Upgrade License from On Premise to On Cloud

  1. All existing customers will be able to upgrade to iVend Cloud by paying a reduced license fee, please liaise with your Channel Sale Manager to obtain a formal quote.
Please note: the migration of iVend perpetual to iVend Cloud is irreversible.  The initial services required to migrate an existing iVend Retail perpetual instance will be free and if and when subsequent changes are required this will attract consulting services on a time and materials basis and subject to a formal scope of work. 

  1.  Active marketing will begin from May 2020 onwards to all existing customers encouraging the migration to iVend Cloud. 
  2. Customers must adopt the iVend Cloud pricing /licensing model should they decide to move to iVend Cloud and will need to forgo existing on premise perpetual and or subscription pricing. 
  3. Customers must first upgrade to iVend Retail version 6.6 before migrating to iVend Cloud.

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