iVend Retail - Stock Transfer Enhancements in iVend with SAP Business One

iVend Retail - Stock Transfer Enhancements in iVend with SAP Business One

iVend Retail - Stock Transfer Enhancements in iVend with SAP Business One

In iVend Retail enhancements have been done to use standard SAP Business One Inventory transfer documents for Stock Transfers between the General Warehouse using SAP Business One and the iVend store using the iVend Management Console. These enhancements will bring the iVend Stock Transfer processes into sync with the standard SAP Business One processes, reducing the chances of user error and will make the day to day operations easier.

The Enhancements are as follows:

A. Integration of the iVend Stock Transfer Requisition with the SAP Business One Stock Transfer Requisition document

The Stock Transfer Requisition for the General Warehouse added from the iVend Management Console will create a standard Stock Transfer Request document in SAP Business One.

This process will work in the following manner:

1. Create Stock Transfer Request  from the iVend Store (using the iVend Management Console) to the General Warehouse then,

2. Log into SAP Business One and navigate to: Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Inventory Transfer Request. The Inventory Transfer Request window appears in Add mode.

3. Change the form to Find mode, enter values in the From Warehouse and To Warehouse fields and choose the Find button.

4. All Stock Transfer Requests will appear including the aforementioned Stock Transfer Request.

                                        Figure 1  Inventory Transfer Request

B. Inventory Transfer using the Native Screen of SAP Business One

The User can now use the standard SAP Business One Stock Transfer document to ship products form the General Warehouse (using SAP Business One) to the iVend store (using the iVend Management Console). This Stock Transfer document will be added for the iVend store as a To Warehouse and will generate a Stock Transfer Receipt document in the iVend store Management Console.

This process will work in the following manner:

1. The User can either add a new Stock Transfer from the General Warehouse to the store or use the Stock Transfer Request added in previous step to generate the Stock Transfer document.

2. For adding a baseless Stock Transfer, log into SAP Business One and navigate to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Inventory Transfer. The Inventory Transfer window appears in Add mode.

3. Enter in the values in the required fields and check the For Store checkbox – refer to the following screen image for guidance.

                                                    Figure 2 Inventory Transfer

· Copying Stock Transfer Request to Stock Transfer

Figure 3 Inventory Transfer Request


· Stock Transfer document

Figure 4 Inventory Transfer

1. This will create the Stock Transfer Receipt document in the To Warehouse i.e. the store Management Console. Stock receiving can be performed by the store manager using this document.

C. Cancelling Stock Transfer Shipment using the Native Screen of SAP Business One

On creating a Stock Transfer in SAP Business One using the native screen of SAP Business One to the iVend store, the user can cancel the transfer document using the same Stock Transfer screen.

To cancel a Stock Transfer created from SAP Business One to the iVend store, follow the steps below:

1. Log into SAP Business One and navigate to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Inventory Transfer. The Inventory Transfer window appears in Add mode.

2. Change the window to Find mode and search for the Stock Transfer to be cancelled

3. Choose the [Cancel Stock Transfer] button to cancel the selected Stock Transfer.

                                                        Figure 5 inventory Transfer

1. Choosing this button will send a cancellation request to the store for a Stock Transfer cancellation and the Stock Transfer status will be changed to Cancellation Request.

                                       Figure 6 Inventory Transfer- Cancellation request

1. Once confirmed from the store, the Stock Transfer status will be changed to Cancelled and no further processing can be performed against the document.

                                  Figure 7 Inventory Transfer Cancelled

D. Automatic Receiving of Stock Transfers Created from iVend in SAP Business One

This enhancement will enable the automatic receiving of Stock Transfer Shipments from the store (using the iVend Management Console) in the General Warehouse (using SAP Business One).

Follow the steps below to enable this enhancement:

1. Log into SAP Business One and navigate to: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Retail Setting. The Retail Settings window appears.

2. Select the checkbox for the option, Automatic Receive Stock Transfer.

Note: By default, this option will not be selected i.e. with this option unchecked, the user would be required to process the receiving of Stock Transfer Shipments manually in SAP Business One.

                              Figure 8 Automatic Recieve Stock Transfer

1. You will need to Restart the iVend Integration service for the changes to take effect.

4. Now add a Stock Transfer Shipment form in the iVend store to the General Warehouse using the iVend Management Console.

                                           Figure 9 Stock Transfer Shipment

5. In SAP Business One, the Stock Transfer document will be created from the iVend Store to the In-Transit Warehouse and will then automatically create another Stock Transfer document from the In-Transit Warehouse to the General Warehouse.

           Stock Transfer from the iVend Store to the In-Transit Warehouse

                                                 Figure 10 Inventory Transfer

Stock Transfer from the In-Transit Warehouse to the General Warehouse.

                                                  Figure 11 Inventory Transfer

As a result of enabling this configuration, the user is not required to receive the inventory manually as the automatic transfer will be processed and posted in SAP Business One.


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