iVend Retail Audit Log

iVend Retail Audit Log

iVend Retail Audit Log

The Audit log is one of the most important features that comes with iVend versions 6.5 and above. It allows for the tracking of all users’ data changes in the application. All operations such as Add, Update, and Soft Deletes are logged in the system. In addition, users will be able to track the records and values that were modified and then compare the version of the record to see the information that was updated.

This feature is available across master data such as products, manufacturers, customers, prices, item costs, etc. and you can:

· Enable or disable the audit log for a particular object.

· View the log and compare changes.

· Purge the log.

Let us explain how the Audit Log works.

1. Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: IT Administration > Audit Log Master – the Audit Log Master screen comes up.

2. Under the column, Is Logging Enabled, check all the objects that you want to track, are selected (ticked). By default, the system comes with all enabled.

                                       Figure 1 - Audit Log Master




Object Name

All objects are listed here for which logs can be recorded.

Is Logging Enabled

Check this value if you want to log the changes for a particular object.


This button saves the changes and closes the screen


This button does not save any changes and closes the screen.


Now that the Audit Log is enabled for all objects, let us go to check on how to view and compare record changes.

There are two (2) ways to view the change log for any object:

  1. By going to the desired object screen. (Customer Master in our example)

Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Business Partner > Customer – the Customer Search screen comes up.

                                               Figure 2 – Customer Search


Press [F1 Search] to pull up Customer Search screen. Select a Customer Name from the appeared search list. Press [F7 View] to pull up Customer Info screen.

                                                      Figure 3 – Customer Search


Then right-click on the screen and select, View Log from the pop-up menu that appears.

                                                     Figure 4 – Customer Master


This will redirect you to the Audit Log screen for this particular object (i.e. Customer) as illustrated in the screen image below - please note:

a. The top row record in the display is the most recent.

b. The old value(s) that have been changed will be highlighted.

c. In this example, the customer discount has been changed from 0 to 15%.


                                                              Figure 5 – Audit Log




Audit Key

This is the Primary key of the audit log table.

Source Type

This is the Table name of the source for this row.

Source Key

This is the Primary key of the source from the source table.

Record Id

This shows the Code of the searched result

Operation Type

This fields shows what type of operation was performed on the object. The valid values are:

· Add

· Update

· Soft Delete

· Hard Delete

Modified By

Shows the user that changed the record.

Modified Date

Shows the date and time of record change.

Site Id

Shows the Site id of the system on which this update occurred.


Use this button to search all the relevant logs filtered on the basis of search criteria fields, then all records will be listed down according to the filter used. All logs will be searched if no search criteria is mentioned.


This button will export all the searched result into excel file. User can save or edit the file as per the need.

[Clear History]

This button will clear the whole history of the selected source. Please Note:

· This action cannot be undone.

· If the logged in user viewing the Audit Log has insufficient privileges, then this button will be hidden.


This button will exit the current screen


2. By viewing and comparing the change log for any object

Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > IT Administration > Audit Log - the Audit Log screen comes up. 

Then pick the source type that you want to look-up. In our example, we have selected the Customer Master. Then, click the [Search] button. In addition, you can filter your search results based on the Record Id.

                                               Figure 6 – Audit Log

The last option we are going to explain is how to purge the Audit Log.

In the Management Console, go to: Administration > IT Administration > Purge Data. Press the [F3 New] button.

                                                   Figure 7 – Data Purge Search


This feature enables the Administrator to start the data purge activity at the stores. Using this, the System Administrator can generate an event for performing a data purge at the store.

This feature is generally used in the scenarios where the stores are using the SQL Server Express Edition. Due to size limitations of the SQL Server Express Edition database, the Administrator should keep the store database size in check and therefore this activity is recommended to be performed at regular intervals.

Note: This menu option is only available at the iVend Enterprise. Using this option would delete the transactional information from the store database.

                                                             Figure 8 – Data Purge Screen




Purge Transaction Before

Enter the date for which the data needs to be purged. The earlier transaction data will be purged from the date defined.

Clear Audit Log

Audit log data will be purged when this checkbox is checked.

[Add Store]

Use this button to choose an individual store for which the data purge needs to be run.

[Add All Stores]

Selecting this button will add all the stores in the network and the data purge will be run for all of them.

[Delete Store]

Choose this button to remove a selected store from the data purge screen. Any store not showing on the data purge screen will not have a data purge performed on it.


Displays the Store Id for which the purge will be run.

Run Date

Shows the date on which the purge will be run.


Clicking this button will start the data purging process for the selected stores.


Clicking this button will Cancel the changes made, the data purge will not be performed and the window will close.


This concludes the article on the iVend Audit Log.


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