iVend Retail 6.5 Update 6 Patch 1

iVend Retail 6.5 Update 6 Patch 1


  • It is recommended that patch is applied in Test Environment first and then production environment.

  • Preferable if replication and integration queue is all clear.

  • Apply iVend Patch during business downtime


  • Back-up ERP DB’s, CXSIntegrationDB, iVend Enterprise DB and Store DB(s).

  • Back-up at least one folder of Management Console, POS application & Integration Service.


Steps & Details

For Enterprise: MC, POS and DB Patch Deployment

Note: - Always Open Management Console and Point of Sale with “Run as administrator” option.

  • Unzip & extract file named MC.zip and take backup of Management Console folder at HO and replace the Management Console files with extracted files from MC.zip folder.

  • Replace configuration manager file at HO (iVend Enterprise)

  • Run or Open Management Console “Run as administrator

  • Copy Patch folder from given location.

  • Folder Structure will be displayed as:



  • Open Zipped Files folder, having zipped files for MC, POS and DB to Deploy. It will look like as given below:



  • Open the iVend MC, Administration -> IT Administration -> Application Patches.

  • Click the New Button from Application Patches Search Screen. Screenshot given below:




  • Click the Add Patch Button. Upload the Zipped patch file through Path selection.

  • Select the Application (POS, Management Console, and Database) based on Patch file type. Screenshot attached below:




  • Click on OK button. Now, wait for the Replication to get all the events replicated to store. Then Restart the Management Console & Point of Sale.

  • Application will show Alert of Patch Update Pending window having information and ask for confirmation of Patch update. Screenshot given below:




  • Click on Ok button. CXS Patch Updater window will be displayed, having Patch Information. Screenshot given below:






  • Click on Update Button and ensure all patches should Run successfully. Screenshot given below:






  • Click on Restart Application button. Open the iVend Management Console/POS folder and verify that applied file is copied.

  • User can also verify deployment status of Management Console or Point of Sale Patch file at Enterprise MC, Administration -> IT Administration -> Application Patches, by double clicking on MC/POS Patch. It will turn Green for Updated Instances and Red where update is still pending.


For Store: MC and POS Patch Deployment

  • Once Replication event is replicated through Store, MC and POS should be restarted.

  • Now follow the same steps as we followed from “13 to 17”.

  • After completing all the above steps, there should be an event for Store to HO, needs to flow such as create/update Product or Customer event, so that all the Instances gets updated on HO. Screenshot given Below:




Steps to Deploy Configuration Manager exe and ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer exe:

  • Stop Integration service and exit from Configuration Manager.

  • On HO: Now you need to manually put Configuration Manager exe to “C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\ConfigurationManager” folder.

On Enterprise Server: Now you need to manually copy Integration (ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer) exe to “C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\Integration” folder.


Issue Fixed in Patch 1


32446 - Item was not visible at management console after it was marked as deleted in SAP

31166 - The iVend Add on throws an error when a UDF has been created in application.

30950 - The product search screen throws an error when the comments being added

30954 - The transaction is adding a gift certificate to sales transaction as the GC number is matching to a transaction key, rather is should search a transaction

32006 - The comments on Till count was not saving due to upgrade from previous version

32214 - Cancellation of the stock transfer shipment does not updating the inventory in-transit warehouse

32195 - The searching & adding a new product on price list taking more time

32235 - Error while initializing a new store from configuration manager.

32256 - Product scanning taking much time at POS transaction screen.

32270 - Replication was skipping the records and causing the issue between HO and store.

32281 - While applying promotion with minimum order value checkbox error message is being displayed

32292 - Batch number cannot be updated through the iVend API

32294 - API raising issue when updating serials from ERP to iVend

32300 - Incorrect inventory updates during sales exchange transaction

32306 - Sequence of line item for goods return created in iVend is different from SAP

32330 - Error while taking manual backup for the Mobile POS

32331 - In a specific sale level discount in a sale transaction and then refund the complete transaction then incorrect refund amount is getting displayed

32335 - Store Analysis report was not displaying data without store filter whereas with store filter data was displaying.

32337 - GetTransactionDeliveryInformation() API method not working

32297 - POS is working slow while scanning barcode at POS terminal

32355 - Customer created custom notification report but unable to use report.

32361 - Monthly Sales and Sales by Product Group Reports not tallying

32362 - Inventory count report displays wrong user name for counted by field.

32363 - Unable to read Advance Payment Comment through iVend API

32382 - Transaction receipt is getting printed for suspended transaction or payments has been captured for suspended transaction.

32385 - Incorrect price appearing on Management Console for Item Label printing.

32386 - Price List button is enable in case of Integrated system

32387 - While updating customer contacts details in iVend record is getting stuck in integration monitor

32388 - During the sale transaction on mobile POS using multiple tender type such as credit card, Loyalty and Cash error message is being displayed

32389 - User is able to delete alternate UPC code assigned on UOM from UoM group.

32390 - User is not able to deleted non required fields from receipt using receipt designer

32393 - Max value for the price column in the Goods Receipt through Validation rule is not working. For example, max value is $99 but still it allows to add a new GR even if the Price is more than $99.

32394 - Negative quantity violation is getting displayed while selling batch product with fractional quantity

32395 - After importing configuration package unable to fill Enterprise details

32396 - The product group filter on this report does not work. 

32373 - Label printing through Retail Price List not printing UOM Prices

32374 - After the upgrade of Crystal reports files cannot be exported to XLS

32375 - Bonus Buy refund generates incorrect values for complete refund with new scan row option

32376 - Customer not able to check the IS MC user checkbox when creates a new customer

32378 - API method GetQueueByWarehouseWithoutStatusUpdate() not giving result

32379 - While scanning product at product scan area error is being displayed ''Error converting data type"

32399 - Assembly item definition is not allowing quantity more than 2 decimal places

32401 - Item level discount displaying incorrect reason code

32406 - Inventory counting report is being displayed without data

32408 - During price manager creation error is being generated "Commit Failed".

32411 - Transaction server search Error

32414 Closing stock transfer receipt document with partial receiving

32416 - Unable to replicate Fiscal Mask from Head office to store in Dominican Republic localization.

32419 - Suspended transaction is getting printed

32424 - Enhancement in API to close sales order at header and line item without making delivery

32425 - Error in accepting payment through foreign currency

32436 - On Applicability of special pricelist price is being picked from base pricelist

32444 - Error in Loyalty card registration though valid license is available

30925 - Multiple messages not working on management console

32070 - Error during print label in specific format Template40*30.

31003 - Stock by location report is not working.

31011 - Discount amount is not correct in sales report

32421 - Upsell item not working with disabled auto apply configuration

32383 - Not able to define Gift Certificate Payment Type using iVend API

32391 - API method SetFinalInventory not working properly

32403 - POS transaction sale with Layaway get stuck in integration

32334 - Stock Transfers Request status is not changing even after items have been received at receiving store.


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