iVend POS Receipt Using predefined enumerators on data and additional options

iVend POS Receipt Using predefined enumerators on data and additional options


This article explains how to use predefined enumerators and additional options in the iVend POS Receipt.
Any user with basic XML and programming knowledge can customize the iVend POS Receipt.

Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > Retail configuration > Print Profile – the Print Profile Search window comes up.

2.Choose the available print profile and click the [F4 Edit] button to edit the record.
You can edit the XML format of any of the following POS receipts however this cannot be performed directly within the Print Profile window. The user must export the design via the Receipt Print Format window (Receipt Designer).

1.Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > Retail Configuration > Receipt Print Formats – the Receipt Search window comes up.

2.Choose a receipt and click the [F4 Edit] button to edit the record. The Receipt Designer window should come up.

3.Click the [Design] button to bring up the Receipt Designer settings page. Here you can edit the XML format of any of the following POS receipts.

The following represents the list of editable POS Receipts:

The following represents the list of iVend Object where enumeration can be performed:

The following is a screen image that shows the Enumerators used in the Transaction Receipt.
“Enumerator” Element
This element is used as an alias for the ‘for-each loop’ on the object. Once the object name is specified in the ‘object’ attribute, then all the sub-objects and properties can be accessed directly inside the enumerator element.
Sample XML
<Enumerator object="Transaction.SalesPersons">
<Element colspan="4" align="left" object0="User.Id" object1="User.FirstName" object2="User.MiddleName" object3="User.LastName" string="Sales Person: {0}, {1} {2} {3}"/>
The “Enumerator” element has the following attributes:
1. An object: : refers to the object property on which the looping needs to be executed.
Note: There will be at least one <Row> element and multiple <Element> elements based on the element colspan value.
2. “Header” element:
Sample XML
<Separator object="-"/>
<Element colspan="4" align="left" string="Delivery Items"/>
<Separator object="-"/>
The “Header” element has no attributes and it is more about providing separation in the code to identify different sections in the report.
3. “BlankLine” element:
Sample XML
The BlankLine element does not have any attributes and is used to give blank rows in the receipt.
4. “PaperCut” element.
Sample XML
The “PaperCut” element does not have any attributes and is used to give a paper cut feature in the receipt if supported by the hardware.
5. “Signature” Element
Sample XML
<Signature width="250" alignment="center"></Signature>
The "Signature" element will print the signature capture for the card payments by the customer on the receipt.

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