iVend POS - Reason Codes transactions at the MC

iVend POS - Reason Codes transactions at the MC

What are Reason Codes?

Reason Codes are defined for capturing additional information on some of the pre-defined activities at the Management Console and the POS. The user has the option to define Reason Codes for activities such as Purchase Orders, GRPOs, Suspend Transactions, etc. On adding these transactions in the Management Console or the POS, the user has the choice whether to attach the Reason Codes to the transaction or not unless it has been defined as mandatory for the specific transaction type.

Sample Business Case

Acme Inc. segments its Purchase Orders based on their urgency. These segments are: High, Medium and Low Priority. The Procurement manager of a company requires an arrangement wherein they can assign a segment to the Purchase Order and this segment gets printed on the Purchase Order document. They also require an option wherein they can flag delivery of a line item in a transaction to be Urgent. This will enable the company’s vendors to prioritise orders and execute them efficiently.
Let us see how the system can be configured to meet the requirement using Reason Code functionality.

Defining a Reason Code

Follow the steps below to define a Reason Code.
1. Log into the iVend Management Console and go to: Administration > Retail Configuration > Reason Code. The Reason Code Search window appears.
There are already a few pre-defined Reason Codes that exist in the window. The user can use these Reason Codes in the related transactions and activities in the Management Console and at the POS.

1. Press the [F3 New] button to add a new Reason Code. The Reason Code setup window appears.

1. Enter the values in the fields as explained in the following table and then choose the [Ok] button to save the changes made.





Text Box

Enter a unique code for the Reason Code. A code with a maximum of 20 alpha-numeric characters can be entered.


Text Box

Enter the description for the Reason Code. A description with a maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters can be entered.


Drop Down

Select one of the activities for which the Reason Code is being setup for. By default, ‘None’ is displayed – Refer to the list below for the valid Reason Code types available in iVend.


Check Box

Select this option to mark the Reason Code as active. By default, this option is selected.

**Reason Codes can be defined for following transaction types:
· Cash In
· Cash Out
· Shutdown Terminal
· Open Cash Drawer
· Edit Time Clock
· Void Item 
· Void Sale
· Refund Sale
· Refund Item
· Sale Discount
· Item Discount
· Item Price Override
· Item Tax Override
· Sale Tax Override
· Goods Receipt
· Expense
· Till Count Variance
· Goods Issue
· Goods Return
· Delete Suspended Transaction
· Suspend Transaction
· Purchase Order
· Stock Transfer Request
· Stock Transfer Shipment
· Inventory Revaluation

Assigning a Reason Code to a Transaction

Now we will assign the Reason Code to the Purchase Order transaction and see the effects on the Purchase Order document. As discussed in the Sample Business Case, we will add a High Priority Purchase Order for a selection of items that need to be delivered urgently.
Follow the steps below to assign a Reason Code to the Purchase Order:
1. Log into the Management Console and open a new Purchase Order document.
2. Enter values in the relevant fields and add one or more items to be ordered on the line level.
3. The Reason field is available on the header level and on the line level for each of the items in the Purchase Order.

1. Choose the radio button […] in the Reason Code field on the header level.
2. The Reason Code Search window appears.Only Reason Codes with the type defined for Purchase Orders are listed on the screen.

1. Select the required Reason Code and choose the [Ok] button to assign the Reason Code to the Purchase Order.
2. Similarly, assign a Reason Code to line items.
1. Choose the [Ok] button to add the Purchase Order to the system.
2. The assigned Reason Codes appear on the Purchase Order document – refer to the sample Purchase Order document below as an example that shows the Reason Code being printed for the lines and for the entire Purchase Order too.
Reason Code fields will appear in the iVend Retail default reports for the following transactions in the Management Console:

· Goods Receipt
· Goods Receipt PO
· Purchase Order
· Goods Issue
· Goods Return
· Stock Transfer Request
· Stock Transfer Shipment
Reason Codes can be assigned to the following transactions in the Management Console:

· Purchase Order
· Goods Receipt PO
· Stock Transfer Request
· Stock Transfer Shipment
· Inventory Revaluation
· Goods Issue
· Goods Return
· Goods Receipt

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