iVend POS Print Receipt Error from POS :OPOS_E_ILLEGAL, Device:ReceiptPrinter

iVend POS Print Receipt Error from POS :OPOS_E_ILLEGAL, Device:ReceiptPrinter


iVend 6.6 Patch 7747

Problem Statement: 

User is not able to print the Transaction Receipt from iVend POS with error message in POS log:

1.In the POS log;

<Message>Sender:, Date:11/06/2021 18:42:22, Status:-1, Message:Connect Cancelled. Reason :Not able to Open Device. Result Code - OPOS_E_ILLEGAL, Device:ReceiptPrinter</Message>

2.In the Hardwareservicelog(HWServiceLog) file and POS logfile the below message display;

"Unable to cast COM object of type 'OposPOSPrinter_1_11_Lib.OPOSPOSPrinterClass' to interface type 'OposPOSPrinter_1_11_Lib.IOPOSPOSPrinter'."

3.In the HardwareserviceLog file the error message is; 

"Value cannot be null"

Symptoms :Issue in receipt printing on POS;

Resolution/Work Around: 

There are below steps which are to be followed in order to troubleshoot and solve the printing issue;


 1.Close POS application.

 2.Open OPOS Utility and do a health check and Test Print.

3.If both are Successful then go check if the hardware service is running or not(Task Manager>>Services tab>>ivendhardwareservice).If not then start the service.

4.Relogin to the POS Application and check for the printing.

5.If Hardware service is running still the print doesn't come out ,go check the hardware service log file(for the latest date one) and can be found ,path=C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\HardwareService .

 6.Check for the POS log file also(path=C:\Users\localhost\AppData\Local\CitiXsys\CXS.Retail),or type %appdata% in windows search area.

 6.1:If in the Hardwareservicelog(HWServiceLog) file and POS logfile the message appears as;

"Unable to cast COM object of type 'OposPOSPrinter_1_11_Lib.OPOSPOSPrinterClass' to interface type 'OposPOSPrinter_1_11_Lib.IOPOSPOSPrinter'."

Goto path C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\Common and execute OposCCOs-1_11_000.exe utility till to finish.

 6.2 If in the HardwareserviceLog file the error message is like "Value cannot be null" then go-to Control panel>>go-to Turn windows feature On or Off screen>>.Net framework advanced services>>WCF services>>Check the Option "TCP Activation">>Ok.

 7.Check in the HardwareService folder if the two files are already applied. They are:

  • iVendHardwareService.exe,

  • iVendHardwareService.exe.config.

You can match the files from below links where the files are attached .If the files are different then ;apply from the below link;


--Stop the iVendhardwareservice(Task Manager>>Services tab>>ivendhardwareservice>> deploy the files from below links.

Note: Those Who are upgrading to any patch above 7747 need to use these files.

Clause 1:Those who are upgrading to any patch above 7747,use below folder;(it contains 3 files) Please refer to the attachment - hardwareservicefile1

Note A:1).


2).iVendHardwareService.exe.config files will be applied on below path;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\HardwareService

3)CXSRetailPOS.exe.config will be applied on the below path;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\PointOfSale

Clause 2:Those who are upgrading to any patch from 7747 or older than 7747,use below folder; Please refer to the attachment - hardwareservicefile2

Note B: 1).


2).iVendHardwareService.exe.config files will be applied on below path;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\HardwareService

3)CXSRetailPOS.exe.config and 4) CXS.Hardware.OPOS.Service.Proxy.dll will be applied on the below path;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\PointOfSale

 7. Start the iVendhardwareservice from services.msc.

 8. Power off the printer and Power on.

 9. Reboot once the POS machine.

10. Relogin the POS and check the printer in the hardware details screen.

11. Go for print and check if the receipt is coming out.

Recommendations /Suggestion:

1. Check if receipt is customized and if it is,  was it working before patch update (to check if its due to patch or due to customization)

2.Health Check and Test Print is successful from the OPOS Utility screen.

3.Correct Hardware Profile is mapped to the POS in question.

4.Same Printer which is configured in Hardware Profile is attached physically to the POS system.

5.The Same Printer which is configured in Hardware Profile should show in the hardware Lists screen in POS Application.

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