iVend POS - Parameterised Dashboard

iVend POS - Parameterised Dashboard

iVend POS - Parameterised Dashboard

You can use Dashboard Parameters when it is necessary to pass data of a certain type to a dashboard (e.g., to pass a specific value to the data source filter string or a calculated field).

The topics in this article describe how to use dashboard parameters.

· Creating Parameters

· Passing Parameter Values

· Requesting Parameter Values

Creating Parameters

To create dashboard parameters in the Dashboard Designer, perform the following:

· Click the [Parameters] button on the Ribbon's Data Source tab.

Figure 1 Dashboard Designer

· In the invoked dialog, click the [Add] button to add a new parameter.

Figure 2 Parameters

· Specify the following settings.




Specifies a parameter name.


Specifies a parameter value.


Specifies the parameter type.


Specifies the parameter's description displayed to an end-user.


· Then, click [Ok], to include the created parameters in the dashboard.

Passing Parameter Values

In this topic, you will learn how to pass parameter values to a dashboard. You apply filtering to a specific dashboard item according to the current parameter value using the Edit Filter.

Figure 3 Dashboard Designer-Edit Filter

In the Filter Editor, you can compare a field value with the following objects.

· A static value (represented by theicon). Click this button to switch to the next item mode ("another field value"), to compare the field value with another field value.

· Another field value (represented by the  icon). Click this button to switch to the next item mode (parameter value), to compare the field value with a parameter value.

· A parameter value (represented by the  icon). Click this button to switch back to the initial mode ("static value"), to compare the field value with a static value.

Thus, to compare a field value with a parameter value, click the  button, then click the  button.

Figure 4 Filter Editor

Requesting Parameter Values

The dashboard provides a built-in Dashboard Parameters dialog, which provides the capability to change dashboard parameter values. This dialog is created automatically, depending on the parameter type and visibility settings.

To invoke the Dashboard Parameters dialog in the Dashboard Designer, click the Parameters   button in the dashboard title. Depending on the visibility state of the created dashboard parameters, this invokes the following dialog.

Figure 5 Filter Editor- From Date

Select the required parameter values in the Dashboard Parameters dialog and click the [Apply] button to apply the changes.


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