iVend POS Emailing Reports

iVend POS Emailing Reports

iVend POS – Emailing Reports

iVend Retail allows Enterprise admin to email reports directly from the iVend Management Console. This functionality is useful if regular Management Information Service (MIS) needs to be maintained with management. Instead of saving the reports to a local machine and then emailing them to management, the user can directly send an email with a report attachment in PDF format from the iVend Management Console.

To configure the email option in the Management Console, please follow these steps:

1. Log into the iVend Management Console and go to Administration > System Initialization > Communication Settings

2. Expand the SMTP Details to view the setup required for SMTP.


1. Please fill in the following setup details:

a. Server Host:  Specifies the value indicating the address for the mail server. An Alternative way to specify the SMTP server is through an IP address.

b. User Name: Enter the User Name for the SMTP service. This is generally the Email Id of the user.

c. User Password: Enter the password for the above user name.

d. Server Port: Specifies an integer port on which the SMTP service uses to detect incoming connections. The default is 25 however, other common values are 587 and 465. Check with you Email Administrator for the actual port used for your specific SMTP server.

e. Enable SSL: Mark this flag if the specified SMTP requires SSL to be configured for sending an Email.

f. Click [Ok] to save the settings and close the window.


1. The next step is to setup Email on the Employee master record. Go to: Administration > Human Resources > Employee and search for the relevant employee. Press [F4 Edit] to enter edit mode on the Employee record and add their Email address.

2. Click [Ok] to save. Please remember the Email account mentioned on the Enterprise Communication Settings will be used to send Email. The Email account mentioned on the employee card can be different from the one setup in the Enterprise Communication Settings.

3. Restart the Management Console and log back in.

4. Now go to the Reports module in the Management Console. Select a report that you wish to Email. For example, let us take the Sale by Item report.

5. Fill in the relevant parameter values and click [Ok]. The report will be output on screen.

6. Now, for Emailing options, click on the [Email] icon button on top of the report. In the drop down menu, there are many document formats that can be selected from to send the report as an attachment in with the Email.

1. Depending on the file format, the user will be presented with a screen to confirm the parameters for the attachment, set as required and save the output to a location on the local machine ready for attachment to the email.

2. Next an Email window will open where the user can enter the recipient details and Email message with the attachment included – Complete the following:

a. Email to: Enter the Email Id to which the report needs to be sent. The report can be sent to multiple users if desired as standard with any Email service.

b. Email Cc and Bcc: Enter the Email Id of the Cc and Bcc receivers if desired.

c. Email SubjectThe Email subject will default to “Report” – It is recommended to change this to something more meaningful and appropriate to the report being sent.

d. Email Body:  Text entered here will form the message body of the email that the recipients will see.

e. Click [Send]. A mail with the report as an attachment in the format selected is sent to receiver.

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