iVend POS Custom Tender

iVend POS Custom Tender

What is a Custom Tender in iVend Retail POS?

Special tender types can be used by the Retailer as per their business practices, such as Check (Cheque) on Delivery, Cash on Delivery, named Credit Cards, etc. The Custom Tenders type in iVend POS delivers this functionality when additional Payment Types such as the aforementioned are required. For example, some retailers want to capture VISA and Mastercard transaction payment details separately and they also want to account for them in separate G/L Accounts when integrating to and ERP such as SAP Business One.

Configuring Custom Tenders in iVend POS

Follow the steps mentioned below to Configure Custom Tenders in iVend Retail POS:
Log into the iVend Management Console and go to: Administration > Financials > Payment Type
Click on the [F3 New] button to add a new Custom Payment Type.
Enter the mandatory fields of Code and Description for the Payment Type and then the Type of Custom from the drop down – refer to the above screen image for guidance.
The Payment Receipt Format can be used to print an additional receipt with the Thermal XML Receipt format if desired.

After entering the details click on the [Store Applicability] button, this is needed to apply the Payment Type to be applicable to selected Store(s).
On the Store Applicability screen, select the Store(s) from the list of available stores to which the Payment Type needs to be applied and then click on the [Ok] button – refer to the screen image above for guidance.
After selection of the applicable stores, click on the [Setup] button to create the Attribute(s) for the Custom Payment Type being created. Click on the [F1 Add] button to open the setup screen to add an attribute. For example, let us make a Bank Type attribute that needs to be entered while taking payment from this Custom Payment Type. Another value that could be captured for example, might be the Card Expiry Date (see the Notes section in the next step of the Attributes setup for details).

Attribute Setup: Enter the Code and Description, then select Type, Active, Is Required and other settings based on the need of the attribute. Enter 1 in Minimum String Length and the Maximum String Length can be set at 255, which is the maximum allowed.

· Enter the values in the respective fields based on the Type selection. Like Minimum String Length and Maximum String Length will be applicable when the Type of String is selected. The other fields will become available depending on the other valid Types selected, which include: - Numeric, Date/Time and Boolean, for example, the Min/Max Date fields will become available upon selection of the Type of Date/Time. Select the Type as needed for the validation wanting to be achieved at the POS.
· The system will validate that there are no other Attributes existing with same name in the Custom Tender.
· The Default Value field can be used to display a value when this payment type is selected at the time of completing the POS transaction.
· Select Is Required if it is mandatory to enter the value at the POS.
· The system only allows the user to setup ten (10) attributes per Custom Payment Type.
· Once an attribute has been saved the system will not allow the user to delete the attribute.

Behaviour of the Custom Tender on the POS Payment Screen while performing a Transaction
Log into the iVend POS and then add one or more products to a transaction. Let us complete the transaction with the Custom Payment Type created above. Click on [F12 Payments] to open the Payment screen.

At the iVend POS Payment screen, select the Custom Payment Type, Master Card as created earlier in this article – the Payment Details – Master Card screen opens and we see the Attribute, Bank Type on the screen that we created for this Custom Payment Type. Remember that we set this Attribute as ‘Is Required’ therefore, it will be mandatory to enter a value in this field.

Click on the Bank Type field and enter the value required, then click [Ok] to confirm and save the value entered.
A minimum of one (1) character to a maximum of 255 characters is allowed to be entered. As the Attribute Type was set to String, alpha-numeric characters are allowed.

If a value is not entered in the Attribute field then a Validation message will pop-up when the user clicks on the [Ok] button to enforce that a value is entered before they can proceed with completing the transaction.

Custom Tender in iVend POS with Integration to an ERP (SAP Business One)
In the scenario where iVend Retail is integrated with an ERP, the new Custom Payment Type setup in the Management Console would integrate to the ERP and create the corresponding record there. In our example we will use SAP Business One (SBO) as the ERP that iVend Retail is integrated to. The new Tender will be created in SBO and the G/L account mapping needs to be completed, otherwise any transactions performed at the iVend POS that uses the Custom Payment Type will fail to integrate to SBO correctly.
Therefore, the G/L account needs to be mapped accordingly – Refer to the following screen image for guidance. In SBO, navigate to:
Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Retail Tender.

To apply the setting at the Store / Warehouse level, navigate to:
Administration > Setup > Inventory > Warehouses and map the G/L Account accordingly.

· If G/L Accounts are provided at the Store/Warehouse level, then this will be selected for posting, otherwise the G/L Accounts set at the Enterprise level will be selected as defined in the previous step.
· If the G/L Account is not mapped, then any transaction processed at the iVend POS using the Custom Tender will fail to integrate to the ERP (SBO).
· The Transaction performed at the iVend POS will integrate and then be available in SBO, the Payment Type used in the transaction will be viewable in the Payment means window in SBO.

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