In iVend Retail POS, the system allows users to create Vendors, Purchase Orders and Goods Receipt POS at the Franchise owned and Franchise Operated stores.
In Franchise owned and Franchise Operated stores, there will not be any financial transactions captured against the Franchise store in the backend when iVend is integrated with an ERP such as SAP Business One.
In the following article, we will see how to add a Vendor and how to use it to create a local Purchase Order and Goods Receipt PO at Franchise owned and Franchise Operated stores.
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and is not intended to supply a detailed step-by-step process.
1. Log into the iVend Management Console and then go to: Operations > Business Partner > Vendor
1. Press the [F3 New] button.
The Vendor setup window appears.
1. In the Vendor Setup window, specify the Code, Company Name and other relevant details needed and then choose [Ok] to save the changes made.
The Vendor data will not replicate to the iVend Enterprise.
1. Now go to: Operations > Business Transactions > Purchase Orders and Goods Receipt PO.
The Purchase Order and Goods Receipt PO documents are now available on the Business Transactions menu.
1. Select the menu option, Purchase Order and Press the [F3 New] button on the Purchase Order Search window.
1. Specify the Vendor code that we created earlier and other relevant details as needed. Choose [Ok] to save and to add the Purchase Order to the system.
The Purchase Order information will not replicate to the iVend Enterprise.
1. Once the goods are received at the store, create a Goods Receipt PO document. Press the [F3 New] button on the Goods Receipt PO Search window. Select the Purchase Order document on which you want to create the Goods Receipt PO against.
1. Choose [Ok] to save the changes made and to add the Goods Receipt PO document to the system.
The Goods Receipt PO information will not replicate to the iVend Enterprise.