iVend Inventory Audit Report display Error "Incorrect Syntax near 'order'

iVend Inventory Audit Report display Error "Incorrect Syntax near 'order'


iVend 6.6

Problem Statement: 

Inventory Audit was not working on Enterprise Management Console

Its shows error message 

“Incorrect Syntax near 'order' Incorrect Syntax near the Keyword  'As' Statement(s) could not be prepared".


Proposed Solution:

Suggested customer to check sql server version. There is some syntax which is not supported on older versions of sql. This may be one of the reasons for the error.

Steps if any: 

We can check the sql server version by executing the below command on the database.

 Select @@version.

 We have suggested the customer to using the SQL server version as per the software specification guide.

Constraints / Scenarios: