iVend APIs Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

iVend APIs Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

iVend APIs Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

Installing iVend API

This KB article talks about installation of iVend APIs.


You have to download the Microsoft installer for iVend Retail from the iVend support website.

Figure – iVend Download Page


1. Run iVend Retail setup.exe. – This will launch the installation wizard.

2. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation of iVend Retail.

Figure 1 – Setup Wizard Initialization Screen

3. In the following screen, choose the Next option.

Figure 2 – Setup Wizard Welcome Screen


4. In the License Agreement screen, after reading the EULA and then accepting the License Agreement, click on Next button.

Figure 3 – Setup Wizard License Agreement Screen


5. In the Customer Information window, enter your user name and company name and choose the Next button.

Figure 4 – Company/User Information screen


6. In the Destination Folder window, accept the installation path recommended or if an alternative installation path is desired, you can select the Change button to change the installation location. Choose the Next button.

Figure 5 – Destination Folder screen


7. In the Installation Mode Selection window, select the [Choose an Installation option] button.

Figure 6 – Installation Mode Selection Screen


8. On the Choose an installation option screen, select the [Custom Installation] button.


Figure 7 – Installation option Screen


Selecting the Custom Installation option provides the user with the flexibility to choose the components they want, such as to install both the iVend server components, including the iVend APIs and the client components on the current machine.

Figure 8 – Custom Installation Option Screen


9. After selecting/deselecting the components needed, including the iVend API, click on the Next button. The installer will prompt to the user to install Internet Information Service (IIS) if it is not already installed.

Figure 9 – IIS Installation Prompt Screen


10. After clicking on the Yes button, the installer will show a series command prompt windows similar to the following image – this process will take several minutes to complete.

Figure 10 – Command Prompt Screen


11. Click the Finish button to complete the iVend Retail installation with the iVend APIs.

Figure 11 – Install Shield Wizard Completed Screen

Note: Administrators may put a tick against “Show the windows installer logs” option to capture the log information.

Figure 12 – Log Information

Note: The iVend APIs are not automatically installed when upgrading from iVend Retail version 5.8 and older. To install the iVend APIs a fresh installation of iVend 6.5 or later is required.

Checking and troubleshooting the iVend API Installation

1. Open any internet browser and enter the below URL : http://localhost:8642/iVendAPI/iVendAPI.svc

Note: You need to replace localhost with the server IP address in the URL. That should open a web page like below:

Figure 13 – IIS Information


2. If webpage shown above does not open then skip the below mentioned steps and move to “Troubleshooting IIS” section of this document.

3. Enter a new URL in a browser as: “http://localhost:8642/iVendAPI/iVendAPI.svc/Mobile/Help”. This should open the web page like below:

 Note: You need to replace localhost with the server IP address in the URL. That should open a web page like below:


Figure 14 – iVend API Information


4. If the above page opens successfully then the iVend APIs are installed correctly and are ready for use with iVend Mobile and other integrated solutions such as an ERP, otherwise check the following:

a. The iVend License is applied on the server.

b. The iVend Management Console has been run at least once after the License was applied.

c. IIS has been reset after the license was applied.

5. If you are still facing issues and the webpage shown in step 3 does not open then please contact the iVend Retail Support team for assistance.

Troubleshooting IIS

1. Check for the existence of the iVendAPI folder under the installation path of iVend. The default location of the iVend APIs is “C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail”

2. If iVend API folder does not exist then it indicates that iVend APIs are not installed properly and therefore a re-installation of the iVend APIs must be performed.

3. If the iVend API folder does exist, then check for the IIS installation on the machine.

a. To check, open an internet browser

b. Browse for http://localhost/.

c. This will display a webpage which shows the current version of IIS installed on the machine.

4. If the URL in step 3(b) above does not show the IIS page in the browser then it indicates that either IIS or another required component of IIS have not been installed properly.

5. To install the ASP.Net component, please follow these steps:

a. Open the command prompt and go to C:\ as shown in the image below:

b. Now enter the path as: CD C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319

c. Now run the exe “aspnet_regiis.exe –iru”

d. After completing the installation reset the IIS by restarting the IIS service or run the command “IISRESET” in a Run window

6. To install IIS and other required components, perform the following steps:

a. Open Control Panel

b. Select the Program and Features option

c. Click on the Turn Windows features on or off link and select all the component listed in the following table and as shown in the screen images that follows the table here:

IIS 7.5

IIS 8.0

IIS - ApplicationDevelopment



IIS - CommonHttpFeatures

IIS - DefaultDocument

IIS - DirectoryBrowsing

IIS - HealthAndDiagnostics 

IIS - HttpCompressionStatic

IIS - HttpErrors

IIS - HttpLogging

IIS - ManagementConsole 

IIS - Metabase 

IIS - Performance

IIS - RequestFiltering

IIS - RequestMonitor

IIS - Security

IIS - StaticContent

IIS - WebServer

IIS - WebServerManagementTools

IIS - WebServerRole

IIS - WindowsAuthentication

WAS - ConfigurationAPI

WAS - NetFxEnvironment

WAS - ProcessModel

WAS - WindowsActivationService

WCF - HTTP - Activation

IIS - WebServerRole

IIS - WebServer

IIS - CommonHttpFeatures

IIS - StaticContent

IIS - DefaultDocument

IIS - DirectoryBrowsing

IIS - HttpErrors

IIS - ApplicationDevelopment


IIS - NetFxExtensibility

IIS - HealthAndDiagnostics

IIS - HttpLogging

IIS - Security

IIS - RequestFiltering

IIS - HttpCompressionStatic

IIS - WebServerManagementTools

IIS - ManagementConsole

WAS - WindowsActivationService

WAS - ProcessModel

WAS - NetFxEnvironment

WAS - ConfigurationAPI

NetFx4 - AdvSrvs

WCF - Services45 

WCF - HTTP - Activation45

7. After completing the installation, restart the server machine.

8. Now recheck the iVend APIs installation to confirm that the APIs are working as shown earlier in this article.

This concludes the KB on iVend APIs Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.



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