6.6 Patch (7723)
SendDumpProcessor: error : Cannot update identity column 'LineNumber'.,
paylaod :B448FEC3-B6FC-41F6-8891-0957FD7FA3FC : Site ID 1
The Steps to resolve the Issue are explained below:
Stop Replication App Pool at HO and Store through IIS (Internet Information Server)
On the receiving machine execute following commands as:
Delete from RepReplicationReceivedEvents Where ReceiveSiteId = <Site ID of the Site from where Data is coming>
Delete from RepReplicationReceivedPayload Where SiteId = <Site ID of the Site from where Data is coming>
Run the following queries on the Site i.e. transmitting the data
Delete from RepReplicationTransaction Where ReplicationTransactionKey NOT IN
(Select ReplicationTransactionKey from RepReplicationTransactionDetailSend WITH (NOLOCK)
Select ReplicationTransactionKey from RepReplicationTransactionDetail WITH (NOLOCK))
TRUNCATE TABLE RepReplicationTransactionDetail
TRUNCATE TABLE RepReplicationTransactionDetailSend
TRUNCATE TABLE RepReplicationSendDump
Update RepReplicationTransaction SET SendDumpSequenceNumber = NULL
Open Command Prompt with Administrative Privileges' and run command IISReset at both Store and HO
Start Replication App Pool at IIS both at Store and HO through IIS (Internet Information Server)