Item Not Found in iVend & Barcode already link to other items

Item Not Found in iVend & Barcode already link to other items

Environment : iVend 6.6



Symptoms :Barcode tagging need to check

Resolution/Work Around: (1). Product Not Found : Check the product availability in iVend HO MC--> Product and View Inventory Screen.
If it is not appearing then make item description update from SAPB1 --> Product Master Screen --Update description
Inventory data--> Warehouse ( Retail Warehouse) --> lock --> Save it
Inventory data--> Warehouse ( Retail Warehouse) --> unlock --> Save it
It will generate the new integration events on Product description and Warehouse mapping from SAPB1 to iVend.

(2) Barcode is already attached--> Check Barcode is already available in iVend HO MC--> Product
also suggest you to check the parameter Duplicate Barcode allowed in iVend Enterprise Setting Screen , if it is ticked or unticked.

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