Item Matrix Global Settings

Item Matrix Global Settings

Item Matrix Global Settings

This feature allows the user to define the Global Code and Inheritance settings for Matrix Items. These settings are used as the system defaults and are inherited to the Matrix products in the first instance. The user can then change the Matrix Code settings for the individual products if desired.

The Item Matrix Code Settings define the parameters for the Product Code and Description structures of the Child Products that will be generated from the Parent product when the user selects the Product Attributes they desire, i.e. Colors, Size and Style combinations.

  1. Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to Administration > Retail Configuration > Item Matrix Global Settings. This will bring up the Item Matrix Global Setting window.

Figure 1 – Item Matrix Global Setting


The table below talks about the various field entries on the Item Matrix Global Settings window:



Space as Item Code Separator

Check this flag if you wish that while generating the item codes for the child products a space should be used as a separator between the product code attributes,

E.g.: P000000095 BLU L

The most commonly used and recommended configuration for a product code separator would be to use the dash “–“, therefore it is recommended that this flag is left unchecked.

Item code separator

Specify the separator that should be used while determining the code of the child products.

E.g.: If a “–“ is used as a separator then the child product produced would be:


 This setting is required if the Space as Item Code Separator flag has not been set. This method for code separation is the most commonly used and recommended option.

Space as Item Description Separator

Check this flag if you wish that while generating the item description for the child products a space should be used as a separator between the product description attributes.

E.g.: Men’s Polo Shirt Blue Large

 This method for description separation is the most commonly used and recommended option.

Item Description Separator

Specify the separator that should be used while determining the description of the child products.

E.g.: If a “–“ is used as a description separator for the attributes then the child product produced would be:

Men’s Polo Shirt-Blue-Large

 This setting is required if the Space as Item Description Separator flag has not been set. This method for description separation is not generally used. The most commonly used and recommended option is to use a space separator for the product description attributes.

Item Code and Description Abbreviation Lengths

Item Code Length

Enter the number of characters that should be used from the parent item code while generating the child item codes.

 This code length should be set to the length of the Parent code, e.g. Using the parent product code in our example, P000000095, the code length is 10 characters and this is what should be used.

Product Attributes Code Length (Color and Size Code Lengths)

Enter the number of characters that should be used for the defined Product Attributes Code lengths when generating the child item codes.

 It is important to note in our example we have defined Product Attributes for Color and Size in our system. Product Attributes are user defined and can differ from what we are using in these examples.

 The code length should be set to the maximum length of the Product Attribute Abbreviation Codes defined, e.g. Using the Color and Size Code Abbreviations that could potentially be used, i.e. BLU and XXL, then we should set the code lengths for the Color and Size attributes to a minimum of 3 characters each.

Item Description Length

Enter the number of characters that should be used from the Parent item description while generating the child item descriptions.

 The description length should be set to a minimum length to cover the Parent item description, e.g. Using the parent product description in our example, Men’s Polo Shirt, then we should set the description length to a minimum of 16 characters, which includes space separators.

Product Attributes Description Length (Color and Size Code Lengths)

Enter the number of characters that should be used for the defined Product Attributes Description lengths when generating the child item descriptions.

 It is important to note in our example we have defined Product Attributes for Color and Size in our system. Product Attributes are user defined and can differ from what we are using in these examples.

 The description length should be set to a minimum length to cover the Product Attribute Descriptions defined, e.g. Using the Color and Size Descriptions that could potentially be used, i.e. Yellow and Extra Extra Large, then we should set the description lengths for the Color and Size attributes to a minimum of 6 and 17 characters respectively, which includes space separators. The description generated by the system for the Child products would then cover the full length of the Parent and Product Attribute descriptions without being truncated.

E.g. Men’s Polo Shirt Yellow Extra Extra Large

 As these are Global Matrix Settings, It is recommended that you round the values up to cover product item descriptions that could potentially be larger – refer to the following screen image where we have rounded up the characters allowed for the description to the nearest 10 characters. The overall length of the Product Item Description allowed by the system is 100 characters.

The Global Settings are system defaults and these can be adjusted within the individual products if desired.

Item Code and Description Order

Item Code Order

Enter the order in which the parent item code is set while generating the child item codes.

  We recommend that this setting is left as 1.

Product Attribute Code Order (Colour and Size Code Order)

Enter the order in which the Product Attribute codes are set while generating the child item codes.

 We recommend that these settings are left as 2 and 3 respectively.

Item Description Order

Enter the order in which the parent item description is set while generating the child item descriptions.

  We recommend that this setting is left as 1.

Product Attribute Description Order (Colour and Size Description Order)

Enter the order in which the Product Attribute descriptions are set while generating the child item descriptions.

 We recommend that these settings are left as 2 and 3 respectively.


[Product Inheritance Settings]

Clicking this button will open the Item Matrix Product Inheritance Settings window. Here the user can define what features, properties and functions they would like to be inherited from the Parent product to the Child products when a new product is created and/or when updates are performed.


This button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.


This button does not save any changes and closes the screen.





Product Inheritance Settings

This feature enables selection of the parent product features, properties and function settings which will be inherited to the Matrix Item Child products. The user can still change settings for individual Matrix Items if desired.

 Note: To open the window, press the [Product Inheritance Settings] button found in the Item Matrix Global Settings window – choose:

Figure 2 – Item Matrix Product Inheritance Setting




Property Name

This grid column will list all the features, properties, functions and UDFs of the Parent product that can be inherited to the Child Matrix items.

On Creation

This column specifies that the selected property will be inherited to the Child Matrix items from the Parent product when a new Child product is created.

On Update

This column specifies that the selected property will be inherited to the Child Matrix items from the Parent product when the Parent product is being updated.



This button updates any changes made to the database and closes the screen.


This button does not save any changes made and closes the screen.




Product Master Settings

The following settings are defined in the Product Master for Matrix Items in iVend:



Matrix Item

This field is an indicator of whether the product is marked as a Parent Matrix Item or not.

The field is not editable and cannot be changed once the product has been saved and created in iVend. If this flag is not checked then the product would be marked as a non-matrix item.

2D Matrix Item

This field is an indicator of whether the product is marked as a 2D (Two-dimensional) Parent Matrix Item in iVend.

 The field is not editable and cannot be changed once the product has been saved and created in iVend. If this flag is not checked then the product would be marked as a non 2D matrix item.

Matrix Child Item

This field is an indicator of whether the product is marked as Child of the Parent Matrix Item in iVend.

This field is not editable and cannot be changed once the product has been saved and created in iVend. Child products created in iVend are generated by the system, therefore this flag is managed by the system also and is not open for the user to change. If this field is not checked then it indicates that the product is not a Child Matrix item.


View Child Inventory

Select this button to view the Inventory status of the Child Matrix items.

This view will only be available from the Parent Matrix item and only after the Child products have been generated and added to the system.

Product Attribute

If the product is marked as a Matrix Product, then clicking on this button will allow the user to launch the Product Attribute Selection screen for assigning the attributes to the product.

For further details on the selection of Product Attributes, refer to the section earlier in this guide under Item Matrix Overview.






Product Attributes

Product Attributes are used to define the code and description structures for the Matrix Items in iVend. The attributes are user defined and there is no limitation to the number of attributes that can be defined in the system.

Typical Product Attributes that we see are for Colors, Sizes and Styles that we often find in Apparel retail business models.

Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to Operations > Inventory > Product Attributes. This will bring up the Product Attributes window.

Figure 3 – Inventory Attribute Search




Search Criteria


Enter the code of the Product Attribute to be searched upon.


Enter the description of the Product Attribute to be searched upon.

Is Active

Select an option on which the records are to be filtered in the search results – values are True, False or All.

Is Two Dimensional

Select an option on which the records are to be filtered in the search results – values are True, False or All.

Search Results


Displays the Product Attribute Code that was searched on.


Displays the description of the Product Attribute that was searched on.

Is Active

Displays whether the status of the Product Attribute is active or not.


Is Two Dimensional

Displays whether the Product Attribute is two-dimensional or not.





Enter the code of the Product Attribute to be created.


Enter the description of the Product Attribute to be created, e.g. Color, Size, Style.

Is Active

Check this option if you wish the Product Attribute to be active and available for selection when creating Matrix Items in the Product master -

Is Two Dimensional

Check this option if you wish the Product Attribute to be two-dimensional (2D). Selecting this option will display the products in a 2D grid at the POS -


[Add Detail]

Press this button to add a new Product Attribute detail row definition. Define the following:

· Detail row Id, e.g. BLU

· Detail row Description, e.g. Blue

· Set whether the detail row Is Active or not by checking the box -

E.g. For the Product Attribute of Color that we have created in our examples, use the [Add Detail] button to define new detail rows for the various colors such as Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, etc.

[Delete Detail]

Press this button to delete an existing Product Attribute detail row definition.

E.g. For the Product Attribute of Size that we have created in our examples, use the [Delete Detail] button to remove an existing detail row from the various sizes that we have defined such as Small, Medium, Large, etc.

Only detail rows that have not been used in the creation of Matrix Items can be deleted.


This button updates all changes made to the database and closes the screen.


This button does not save any changes made and closes the screen.


This concludes the KB on Item Matrix Global Settings.

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