Getting Error "iVend 6.*.*.* add-on failed to update the database" when initializing master tables from SAP
SAP database, already initialized with iVend database used to initialize again with new iVend.
Follow below Steps to resolve the issue.
Scenario 1

If customer agrees to use the fresh DB (Never initialized before) for SAP with the new ivend setup.
USE SAP Database (Never initialized with iVend) and Fresh iVend database to register iVend add-on. While add-on is getting registered, a script runs at bottom left section of SAP screen and in Ideal scenarios, on successful registration of add-on , CXSIntegration database gets created. Then after that Initialization can be done.
Scenario 2

If SAP database ( which was used in test/earlier environment) is to be used for production setup also ; then it will need to be worked upon and made ready for initializing again.
Need to remove(Unregister) add-on from SAP
Below steps to register updated add-on

-- Go to Add-on administration window
-- Select old iVend add-on
-- Click on < sign
-- Select iVend add-on from "Available add-on section"
-- Now click on Remove add-on and click in OK
-- Now exit from SAP
-- Login again with Manager user, on login to SAP you should get a message that "Add-on has been removed successfully"
-- Remove CTX_IVEND entry from Configuration window ( SAP > Tools > User Defined Windows > CTX_CONF Configuration )
Right Click on number below #-->Remove/Update button will appear at bottom->Click update
There are some scripts need to be run after the above steps to make the CXSIntegration Database afresh. For the scripts, reach out to support team on Support Portal.
Rename CXSIntegration database to other name like CXSIntegration_old
Comment the lines of SBO_SP_TransactionNotification as below:
Restart SAP
-- Now again open "Add-on administration window"
-- Click on Register Add-on button and then follow the wizard to register the latest add-on ( Default location of addon is below)
C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\AddOn
Choose default group as Manual->Click on force installàOK
Restart SAP
On restarting SAP, you will get window as below:
Click on Nextàthen click on install—Finish
You will see at bottom left the message as below:
Go to add-on manager >> Select the add-on >> click on start
Once the add-on starts successfully. The initialization can be done
Scenario 3:

CXSIntegration database is not created even after following above steps.