Is there any query to get which record will go next in the Integration queue from iVend to Magneto?

Is there any query to get which record will go next in the Integration queue from iVend to Magneto?


6.6 with Magento


Is there any query to get which record will go next in the Integration queue from iVend to Magneto?


Below is the query that will give the result for the records which will go to Magento in the first to the newest sequence:
Select * from RepIntegrationLog where ApplicationKey='<put the ApplicationKey here>'and Flag=0 and Status =0 order by LogDatetime ASC


Is there any query to get that how many records are in the Integration queue from iVend to Magneto


Below is the query that will give the result for the records which are pending to go to Magento:
Select count (*) from RepIntegrationLog where ApplicationKey='<put the ApplicationKey here>'and Flag=0 and Status =0
Note: Below is the query, which can be used to get the ApplicationKey for the Magento
Select * from CfgRegisteredApplication
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