Is it possible to create UDF on iVend Objects (Store, Enterprise) using Extensibility?

Is it possible to create UDF on iVend Objects (Store, Enterprise) using Extensibility?


Is it possible to create UDF on iVend Objects (Store, Enterprise) using Extensibility or UDF on iVend Objects can be created only using Management Console?


UDF can be created on iVend objects through extensibility.

Please find the sample code as mentioned below: -

UserDefinedTable userDefinedTable = UserDefinedTableSubSystem.Instance.Load(typeof(Store));
UserDefinedField userDefinedField = userDefinedTable.CreateField();
userDefinedField.FieldName = "U_ABC";
userDefinedField.Description = ""U_ABC_Description";
userDefinedField.DataType = UserDefinedFieldDataType.String;
userDefinedField.DataLength = 100;
userDefinedField.IsSearchable = false;
userDefinedField.IsMandatory = false;
userDefinedField.DisplayOnly = false;
userDefinedField.ShowInResults = false;
userDefinedField.RegularExpression = "";

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