Irreversible settings in iVend Retail

Irreversible settings in iVend Retail

In iVend retail, there are a few settings or setups which are irreversible in nature. This document talks about such features and settings and also highlights some of the reasons which makes those settings irreversible. The behavior of these settings is totally based on the fundamentals of business processes and inventory management, and the features in iVend Retails are designed to abide by these fundamental principles.


Subsidiaries are best defined as smaller, sub-companies of a big conglomerate. All the subsidiaries may have different or similar lines of business.

In context of iVend Retail subsidiaries are defined when the big conglomerate has retail operations in different countries.

Since the subsidiaries are in different countries, the currencies and taxes will be different.

Different currency and taxes impact other masters like pricing, discounts, promotions, etc. Quite a few relevant setups and their structure are entirely changed internally to be in accordance with the subsidiary model.

It is therefore not possible to ‘switch off’ subsidiaries once they are enabled.

Invoice Rollup

As the name specifies, switching ON this option will start consolidating iVend sales into a single transaction before it is posted into the integrated ERP.

All iVend Sales are clubbed together based on a certain criterion before a consolidated entry is posted into the ERP application integrated to the environment.

iVend sales transactions are ‘rolled up’ based on the below mentioned criteria.

Roll-up only cash customer invoices. This setting ensures that the invoices of all cash customers will be rolled up.

Use the store cash customer for roll up. All the invoices that are ‘rolled-up’ will be posted in the integrated ERP for the Cash Customer that is defined for this store.

Interval Type and Interval. iVend gives retailer the option to roll-up transactions either at a specific time of the day OR specify the interval in hours at which the roll-up process will run and post transactions into the integrated ERP

Important to note is that the products from different invoices will get rolled-up into one invoice only if they have the same applicable tax.

Given the complex nature of the consolidation (roll-up) process, it is NOT possible to Switch OFF this setting once it is switched ON

Location and Default Location

Locations are logical segregations defined in the application that allow retailers to manage their in-store inventory better. By defining locations, retailers can control the stock levels that have to be considered for sales. For example, the retailer can define a location ‘returned goods’ where all the returned products are kept. The retailer can also control whether or not the stock in this location is to be considered for sale at the point of sale.

Once this setting has been enabled, the warehouse definition screen will have the option to specify whether or not locations are applicable to the particular warehouse

As soon as the locations are enabled at the warehouse level, all transactions expect a location to be specified from where the products are either being sold OR returned to.

When locations are switched ON for the warehouses, the inventory is allocated all the way to location level. This inventory cannot be allocated back to warehouse level by simply turning off the locations setup.

Once a warehouse has locations enabled, it is not possible to switch OFF this setting for the warehouse.

ERP System type and Localization

iVend Retail can be used either as a standalone application (iVend Unplugged) or as an application integrated to an ERP application. This is mentioned as the ERP System Type. In addition to this iVend Retail also expects the localization to be mentioned as part of the setup.

Both these settings are fundamental to the working of iVend Retail. Once set, both these settings cannot be changed

Apply Sale Discount on Transaction Total After Tax

Tax jurisdictions have different ways of managing discounts. This global setting allows retailers to offer discounts AFTER the tax has been applied to a transaction.

By default, this setting is switched OFF, which means the application will FIRST apply discounts and THEN apply the taxes.

Switching this setting ON has an application wide impact.

Once switch ON it is NOT possible to switch this setting OFF

Store Mode (Enterprise with Store / Store)

This is a setting specified while defining a Store. For not-so-large retail setups the retailer may prefer to have the Enterprise server ALSO double up as the Store Server.

In this case the Store Mode of the store is specified as ‘Enterprise with Store’

This further means that while the server will have all the Enterprise functions, it will ALSO have ‘store specific’ functions and processes like ability to carry out back-office inventory transactions.

Please note that only one store can be configured as ‘Enterprise with Store’

This is an irreversible setting because once set, the application configures all store functions in the Enterprise Server.

This setting is irreversible as if one store which was marked earlier as ‘Enterprise with store’ is marked simply as store, then the enterprise will not have any other store which is marked as ‘Enterprise’, to avoid any such conflict, this setting has been marked as irreversible.

Enterprise Custom Series - Customer, Vendor and Product

Numbering series to define Customers, Vendors and Products can be defined at the Store level. However, in case these numbering series are NOT defined at the store level, the application looks for this numbering series at the Enterprise level.

These ‘fall back’ series are defined at the Enterprise level during the initial setup and cannot be changed later.

Base Currency setup

Predictably, there can only be one base currency in which the retail environment will work. Additional currencies can also be defined and can be used in transactions by specifying the exchange rates with respect to the base currency.

The base currency is the reference to various exchange rates in case of foreign currency is being used. If the base currency itself has been changed every other currency will lose its reference point, and every historical and future transaction will be affected.

It is for this reason, once set, the base currency cannot be changed.

Warehouse mapping for a store

A store in iVend Retail is linked to a retail-type warehouse for it’s inventory movements.Every transaction that happens on store affects inventory on the mapped warehouse.

This setting cannot be changed or deleted as it would befoul the existing and future inventory records. For example, if the mapping has changed and a cashier wants to do a refund, it will reinstate the inventory on the wrong warehouse after changing the mapping. This type of mix up will also be observed in all other transactions related to the store such as fulfillment, business transactions etc.

Base UoM (In a UoM group)

The base UoM of a UoM group cannot be changed or deleted as it is the datum point of calculation of every other UoM for a given group, and in case the Base UoM is changed or deleted every other UoMs which is calculated with reference to the base UoM stands obsolete.

To avoid any such situation this process has been made irreversible in iVend Retail.

Kit and Assembly definition

A product once declared a Kit or Assembly has a certain definition that cannot be reversed as it has historical transactional data to it. However, additional constituents can be added to these types of products for future transactions but cannot delete previous constituents as they have been recorded in historical inventory movements and will be counted in any of the data-based activity such as fetching reports and dashboards etc.

Product Costing Method / Sub Method

A costing and sub costing method has to be declared during creation of a product. Once the transaction starts to happen considering this costing method the cost occurred cannot be recovered on a later stage. Hence it is not allowed to change the costing method in iVend Retail.

Use Inter-Store Transactions

In iVend Retail, if inter-store transactions are turned on once, then this setup cannot be reversed.

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