Inventory transfer Failed to Integrate into iVend due to Product desc blank in SAP

Inventory transfer Failed to Integrate into iVend due to Product desc blank in SAP

************ Internal to Citixsys Support Team ***********************************


iVend 6.6 integrated with SAPB1

Problem Statement: 

How to rectified product description and generate events if At the time of  generate inventory transfer in SAP product of any item desc blank due to stock transfer stucked on Integration Failure Monitor or not integarte



Resolution/Work Around:

As a workaround we can update description of product through below query. We can fetch detail of DocEntry for inventory transfer based on Docnum on header Table OWTR and used DocEntry no on detail Table of SAP WTR1 to update Item desc on SAP Tables


Below query require to run on SAP to update product desc in SAP

Query1:-SELECT * FROM "OWTR" WHERE "DocNum"=Put Number of Inventory transfer’

Query2:-SELECT * from "WTR1" WHERE "DocEntry"=Put Doc Entry No return by query1’ and "ItemCode"='Put Item Code’ and IFNULL("Dscription",'')=''

Query3:-We can update the desc by fetch detail from Item Master by below query

SELECT "ItemName" FROM "OITM" WHERE "ItemCode"=’Put Item Code’

Query4:-Query used to update desc

SET "Dscription"=’Put desc return by query3’ WHERE "DocEntry"=Put Doc Entry No return by query1’ and "ItemCode"='Put Item Code’ and IFNULL("Dscription",'')=''

Query5:-If any reason events was not generated. Update the comment of inventory transfer from SAP Front end it will generate update event after that we require to change add event to update

Update RepIntegrationLog"
set "OperationType"='0'
where "SourceKey"=’Data return by query2’ AND "SourceType"='53'


SELECT * FROM "OWTR" WHERE "DocNum"='139375'

SELECT * from "WTR1" WHERE "DocEntry"='146138' and "ItemCode"='JJ-90ODAM85-150' and IFNULL("Dscription",'')=''

SELECT "ItemName" FROM "OITM" WHERE "ItemCode"='JJ-90ODAM85-150'

SET "Dscription"='ONE DAY MOIST 90 PACKS'
WHERE "DocEntry"='146138' and "ItemCode"='JJ-90ODAM85-150' and IFNULL("Dscription",'')=''

update "RepIntegrationLog"
set "OperationType"='0'
where "SourceKey"='146138' AND "SourceType"='53'

Recommendations /Suggestion:

Also suggested customer to put the validation on stock transfer in SAP to restrict user to create any stock transfer without product description in SAPB1

 Note:-This article is created only for Support team and will be done along  with  product expert.