Inventory Counting Manual CountingAndFile Upload

Inventory Counting Manual CountingAndFile Upload

Inventory Counting - Manual and File Upload


In versions of iVend Retail 6.5 and above, the system allows users to perform physical stock counts of inventory products. It also enables the user to reconcile the system inventory against the actual inventory in a store or location.


Note: With the Inventory Counting functionality, users can perform the counting process at the store level individually.


Business Case

Retailers who are using the iVend application would like to count the inventory at the store and along with the physical count, the inventory needs to be reconciled with the system inventory. This counting process can be performed weekly, monthly and yearly, based on the organization’s business practices and policies.

Benefits of Inventory Counting

· It helps the retailers to match the system stock with physical stock.

· For any differences, the system will generate the IN (Goods Receipts) or OUT (Goods Issues) inventory transaction updates.

· Inventory counting helps to recognize any stock losses or damages during the physical match.

Setup and Configuration

Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Business Transactions > Inventory Counting – the inventory Counting Search screen comes up.

      Figure 1 – Inventory Counting Search Screen


Steps to create a new Inventory counting

1. On the Inventory count screen, search for an existing count and press the [F4 Edit] button to edit the existing open count or click on the [F3 New] button to create a new count.

                                       Figure 2 – Inventory Counting Setup Screen


The following are the field details for the above screen:




Enter an Id for the Inventory Count transaction being performed – this should be a unique Id value.


Enter a description for the Inventory Count transaction being performed

Price List

Select a price list from the list of price lists, e.g. Cost Price List


Select the store where the Inventory Count is being performed. The system will default to the current store that the user is logged into at the Management Console. If the Inventory Count is being performed at a store, then this field value cannot be changed. If the count is being performed at the Enterprise then the value can be changed.


Select the Location(s) from the list of locations. The user can select multiple locations. This field is only available is the Locations functionality has been enabled in the system.


Enter an optional comment for the Inventory Counting transaction

Use Starting Quantity for reconciliation

Check this field to use the starting quantity for the inventory reconciliation process.




Product ID

The field displays the Id of the product(s) for which Inventory Count is being performed

Product Description

The field displays the description of the product(s) for which the Inventory Count is being performed


Displays the location of the item within the warehouse.

In-Store Quantity

Displays the in-store quantity of the product


Check this field to count inventory for the product




[Auto Add Products]

Click this button to add products for Inventory Count where the cycle count that has been setup for them is due.

[Add Product]

Click this button to add one or more products for the Inventory Count

[Delete Product]

Click this button to delete one or more selected products from the Inventory Count

[Count Inventory]

Click this button to initiate the counting process and move to Inventory Counting screen


Pressing this button will not save any changes made and closes the screen


2. Once the information has been entered as per Step 1, the user then needs to click on the [Count Inventory] button to initiate the counting process and move to next screen, which is Inventory Counting.

                                     Figure 3 – Inventory Counting Screen




Product Id

Displays the Id of the product(s) for which inventory is being counted

Product Description

Displays the description of the product(s) for which inventory is being counted


Displays the location of the item(s) within the warehouse

Starting Quantity

Displays the starting quantity for the item(s)

In-Stock Quantity

Displays the system in-store quantity of the product(s)

Counted Quantity

This field is where the user enters the actual quantity counted of the inventory

Difference Quantity

Displays the difference between counted quantity and the in-store quantity


Displays the product price as per the price list selected.


The user checks this option to mark the item(s) ready to be reconciled.


Displays whether inventory items are reconciled or not.




[Show/Hide In Store Quantity]

This button displays/hides the Starting quantity and In-store quantity fields

[Show Hide Difference]

This button displays/hides the Difference quantity field

[Import File]

This button allows the user to import products through a text file.

[Count UOM Inventory]

This button allows the user to count the inventory for UOM items


This button prints the Inventory Counting information. Note that the fields chosen to be displayed on the screen will be shown in the printed output, therefore if it is not desired that the Starting, In-store quantities and differences to be shown in the printed Inventory Counting sheets then these should be set to Hide them first before printing.

[Reconcile All]

This button is used to quickly select all the records and mark them ready for reconciliation

[Auto Update Price]

This button updates the prices of the product(s) as per the price list attached to the Inventory Count

[Reconcile Inventory]

This button reconciles all of the items that have been marked ready for reconciliation. If the differences are positive then the system will automatically generate and post Goods Receipt transactions and if the differences are negative then the system will also generate and posts Goods Issues transactions automatically.


Pressing the Cancel button on this screen will not save any of the changes made and the Inventory Count will be closed. The Inventory Count will still be available to open and perform further edits until all items in the count have been reconciled.



On the Inventory Counting screen, the Inventory Counting Process can be executed in two (2) ways:

a. Manual Counting: - In this process, the user has to enter the physical quantity in Counted Quantity field. Based upon the entered values, differences in the quantities will be calculated automatically. After entering the values, the Reconcile flag is checked by the system.

                                                      Figure 4 – Inventory Counting Screen


As per the above screen image, the difference is calculated by the system based upon the entered Counted quantity.

As an example, in the first row, the In-stock quantity is 232 and the Counted quantity is 300 which is higher, therefore the difference in the quantity calculation is:

Counted Quantity – In store Quantity

300 – 232 = 68 [A positive difference – When reconciled, the system will produce a Goods Receipt for this line item variance]

And if we look at the third row, the In-store quantity is 668 and the Counted quantity is 500 which is lower, therefore the difference in the quantity calculation is:

500 - 668 = (168) [A negative difference – When reconciled, the system will produce a Goods Issue for this line item variance]

To confirm, based upon the type of differences, the system will generate and post the Inventory transactions as follows:

· If Difference Quantity is on the Positive side, then the system will create Goods Receipt transaction documents automatically when the user clicks on the final button, [Reconcile Inventory].

· If the Difference Quantity is on the Negative side, then the system will create Goods Issue transaction documents automatically when the user clicks on the final button, [Reconcile Inventory].

b. Import File Counting: With this process, the user will create a text file to import the counted quantity to the Inventory Counting screen. When using an import file, there will be no need to enter the final count manually. Values will be imported to the system using the file, which is a considerable time saving if the count should contain large numbers of items.

The calculation will work the same as it works for the manual inventory counting method. The only difference between the Manual Counting method and Import Counting method is the elimination of the need for entering the values in the Counted Quantity field manually.



The following are examples of the import format required for creating the .txt import file – Values are entered, Comma-Delimited (i.e. separated by a comma):

Normal Product: Product ID, Quantity




Serial Product: Serial Number, Quantity




Batch Product: Batch Number, Quantity




User can obtain a copy of the standard Inventory Counting template, which is available in the system where the iVend application is installed:

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVendRetail\ManagementConsole\Import Templates

From the above path, users can find the following template: InventoryCounting.txt

4. Once the physical inventory count has been updated as per Step 3, click on the [Reconcile Inventory] button to complete the process, the system will produce a pop-up message asking the user to confirm that they wish to proceed further – Click [Yes] to proceed or [Cancel] to cancel the reconciliation process.

                                   Figure 5 – Reconciliation Pop Up Screen


After clicking on the [Yes] button, the system will create the reconciled inventory document showing the differences in quantities should they exist. The user can also print this out for the inventory counting process.

                                            Figure 6 – Inventory Counting Receipt


Note: Based upon the above differences, the iVend system will post the Goods Receipt and Goods Issue documents, which can be viewed via the Management Console.

Goods Receipt path: Operation > Business Transactions > Goods Receipt

The Goods Receipt document will be posted on the date used to reconcile the Inventory Count.


Goods Issue Path: Operation > Business Transactions > Goods Issue

The Goods Issue document will be posted on the date used to reconcile the Inventory Count.


This concludes the KB on Inventory Counting - Manual and File Upload.




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