Integration service getting stopped automatically

Integration service getting stopped automatically


Integration service gets stopped automatically after a few seconds every time and Integration events are not syncing from iVend Enterprise to SAP Business One.

There may be various reasons which may lead to stopping the Integration service and not allowing to sync the records from iVend Enterprise to SAP business One.

Note: Though if we see Integration service it will show that service is in-running mode as per below screenshot:

however, when we see the Integration service in Services then it will show that service has been stopped please refer below screenshot for the same:

In this Knowledge Article, we will demonstrate one case where Integration service is getting stopped automatically and Integration records are not syncing and below is the error in Event Viewer (Event Viewer >> Windows Logs >> Application):

Error in Application Event Viewer:


Application: ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.exe

Framework Version: v4.0.30319

Description: The process ended due to an uncontrolled exception.

Exception Information: System.AccessViolationException

   in SAPbobsCOM.BPAddressesClass.set_GlobalLocationNumber (System.String)

   in ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Customer.Replicate (ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Direction, ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Direction, Int32)

   in ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart (System.DateTime, Boolean ByRef)

   in ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Service1.MainStart ()

   in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)

   in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)

   in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)

   in System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart ()


Below is the screenshot for the same:



Above we can see main error is as below:

"Exception Information: System.AccessViolationException"

in SAPbobsCOM.BPAddressesClass.set_GlobalLocationNumber (System.String)


Which means there is an issue related to access of one DLL (SAPbobsCOM), which is causing the Integration service to be crashed every time.



To resolve the issue, we need to re-register the DLL (SAPbobsCOM) which is mentioned in the error above. Below are the Steps to re-register the DLL and resolve the issue:


1) Run below command in RUN prompt to de-register the problematic DLL first:


regsvr32.exe -u "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One DI API\DI API 90\SAPbobsCOM90.dll"



You will get a popup which will give a confirmation message.


2) Then run below command in RUN prompt to re-register the DLL:


regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One DI API\DI API 90\SAPbobsCOM90.dll"


You will get a popup message which will give a confirmation message. With this step re-registering the DLL process is completed now.

Please check the Integration service should be running without any issue and the issue should stand resolved now. Below is the screenshot for the same:

And there should not be any such errors in the Event Viewer log in Application tab under Windows options.