Integration Movement

Integration Movement

This KB is for Internal Purpose Only for CitiXsys

Integration Movements:

The steps are as under:

  1. Install iVend HO with new database name

  1. Activate the iVend license, prefer on iVend HO database name

  1. Open the iVend HO MC first to get license information in iVend tables such as tenant & syssystem information table

  1. It will create CXSIntegration database on same machine where SAPB1 db exist

  1. It will alter SAPB1 Tables with iVend Addon UDF

  1. It will also alter SAPB1 procedure SBO_SP_TransactionNotification to call iVend SQL code

  1. Configure the iVend Integration service with SAPB1, CXSIntegration and iVend HO database

  1. Integration service depends on SAPB1, CXSIntegration and iVend HO database along with SAPB1 DI API

  1. Suggest to configure Integration service where SAPB1 application server exist, instead of iVend HO or any third machine


Install the iVend addon in SAPB1 with bit configuration




Connect it so that it can create CXSIntegration db and may alter SAPB1 db.

If there is any kind of error while installing or connection addon, it can be seen in iVend addonlog file ( path 🡪 C:\Users\nikhilc\AppData\Local\CitiXsys\CXS.Retail\AddonLOG)



It will alter SAPB1 Tables with iVend Addon UDF


It will alter SBO_SP_TransactionNotification to call CXS SQL procedure, which is responsible for generating Integration Events between SAPB1 to iVend. If it is removed or commented due to any reason, it may lead to data inconsistency between SAPB1 and iVend such as inventory mismatch or masters mismatch.



There are following  tables used in CXSIntegration database ( & db size should be around 60 MB or 250 MB)


Registered SBODatabase🡪 SAPB1 Server information

Integrationmapping🡪 Contains object mapping between SAPB1 and iVend.

ReIntegration log🡪 Contains Integration events only from SAPb1 to iVend.


Note : It will contains failure events +Inprocess+ processrecords since last 7 days


Configure the integration service with mentioning CXSiVend user id, existing in SAPB1. CXSiVend user should be Super user and enable parameter “password never expired”. It also contains valid SAPB1 license assignments.


If there is any error while updating integration service or integration service is not able to make connection between iVend HO SQL Server with SAPB1 SQLServer/ HANA, below Utility can be helpful to check connections.


To check SAPb1 to iVend Integration events, you will require to check CXSINTEGRATION..Repintegrationlog tables. It should be noticed that Integration service will delete only those events from SAPB1 to iVend , integrated from SAPB1 to iVend & 7 days older.


Select dbname,'Processing Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=0 and Status=0 group by dbname

select dbname,'Processed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=1 and Status=0 group by dbname

select dbname,'Failed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog (nolock) where Flag=0 and Status=1 group by dbname

To check iVend to SAPB1 Integration events, you will require to check ivend HO Database ..Repintegrationlog tables


select 'Processing Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=0 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Processed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=1 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Failed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog (nolock) where Flag=0 and Status=1






Both SAPB1 to iVend and iVend to SAPB1 integration can be checked integration monitor/failure


You may initialize the iVend with SAPB1 using iVend wizard in SAPB1



You can also cross verify the same with below screen as well, if initialization got successful or not.


But in case, if there are any kind of errors in Initialization first time, it can be seen in Retail Initialization screen if it doesn’t display “Initialization successful”.


Also any type of Errors due to system issue or integration log can be seen through Windows Event viewer log ( Application & Service log🡪CXSIntegration    or    in Windows log🡪Application Log)


You can ask for the same logs with .evtx extension for analysis purpose.

You may also download the failure events into excel by clicking on download button



Created POS transactions on iVend POS , It will save information in transactions tables but it will also create integration events in Re Integration Log tables.


--iVend to SAPB1 Integration Events in iVend HO Database :


select 'Processing Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=0 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Processed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog(nolock) where Flag=1 and (Status=0 or status is null)

select 'Failed Records',COUNT(*) from RepIntegrationLog (nolock) where Flag=0 and Status=1


Same can be seen in Integration Monitor or Integration Failure Monitor


You can also extract data by using SQL procedures Integration_transaction etc

Exec Integration_Transaction 1000000000000013--Put iVend Transactionkey

Exec Integration_TransactionPayment 1000000000000013--Put iVend Transactionkey



When it gets integrated with SAPB1 Successfully, it will not appear in the Integration monitor/Integration failure monitor.


There are following fields of RepIntegrationlog, used to check events if it is integrated/inprocess/failure


Flag=1, Status=Null or 0 🡪 Integrated

Flag=0, Status=Null or 0 🡪 Inprocess

Flag=0, Status=1, Errormessge=……..  🡪 Failed.


RepIntegrationlog tables would be updated as

Flag=1, Status 0, Error message =Null.



To check SAPB1 Inventory movement in SAPB1 DB, you will require to check SAPB1 Inventory tables In/OUT i.e OIVL( for normal item i.e non batch/serial) and ITL1 ( for batch/serial)


Check item code

select * from OITM where itemcode='Glass'

When it is pending, you will require to check field U_CXS_IINV if it is null or other


After integrating with ivend , this field will be updated with status as “S”




Now check in iVendHO  SBOInventoryUpdates,

 invinventoryitemlog, invinventoryitem


select * from SBOInventoryUpdates

select * from invinventoryitemlog where productkey=1000000000000065

select * from invinventoryitem where productkey=1000000000000065



Corresponding Replication events can be seen