Integration Faliure Error "Warehouses Setup" window, on "Accounting" tab, choose sales type revenue

Integration Faliure Error "Warehouses Setup" window, on "Accounting" tab, choose sales type revenue

Environment : 

iVend 6.6

Problem Statement : 

We have identified the integration failure issue from iVend to SAP B1 and showing with below error :

System.Exception DI 10000115 In "Warehouses Setup" window, on "Accounting" tab,

choose sales type revenue account [INV1.AcctCode][line 1090] at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Base.ARInvoice.CreateARInvoice(DataRow[] objDataRow, DataRow[] objDataRowSurcharges, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionAttribute, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionLineAttribute, Decimal passedRoundingAmount, Decimal roundingAmount, Boolean isRolledBack) at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Transactions.Replicate(Direction From, Direction To, Int32 DatasetRowID)

at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart(DateTime LastRetryAt, Boolean Retried)

Symptoms : 

Configure Issue

Resolution/Work Around : 

We have checked the Account Code in SAP B1  > Chart Of Accounts screen and found that the account type is not as ‘Sales’  instead it is showing with ‘Other’.  The Account Code should be a sales type revenue account so we have updated the same and changed it with ‘Sales’. Later we re-tried the record, which got integrated successfully from iVend to SAP B1.

Recommendations /Suggestion :