Integration failureSystem.Exception DI 480000079 Inactive tax code [VI5]; specify an active tax code

Integration failureSystem.Exception DI 480000079 Inactive tax code [VI5]; specify an active tax code


 iVend Version 6.6 with SAPB1 9.2

Problem Statement

 There is purchase order stucked in Integration failure from iVend to SAPB1 : 
Error message : --System.Exception DI 480000079 Inactive tax code [VI5]; specify an active tax code or activate this one at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.PurchaseOrde.CreatePurchaseOrder(DataRow[] objDataRow, Direction From, Direction To, String iVendSBOPONumber, DataSet ObjDataSetSurcharges, Int32 OperationType, DataRow[] objDataRowUserDefinedFields) at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Transactions.Replicate(Direction From, Direction To, Int32 DatasetRowID) at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart(DateTime LastRetryAt, Boolean Retried)


 Purchase order was raised in iVend and it tries to integrate with SAPB1 .

Resolution/Work Around

 Suggest to check the applicable PO tax code in iVend active/inactive and   in SAP as well. If in SAP inactive then activate the applicable tax code and retry the stuck records.

Recommendations /Suggestions

 It is suggested to keep the masters same in SAPB1 and iVend.