Integration Failure: System.Exception: DI: Customer CUS01 is not active/inactive

Integration Failure: System.Exception: DI: Customer CUS01 is not active/inactive


iVend 6.5 Update 6 With SAPB1 9.2

Problem Statement:

iVend to SAP Business one showing 1 error “System.Exception: DI: 10001071 – Customer CUS01 is not active/inactive” in iVend Integration failure monitor

Example Screenshot: -



1. Generally, customers are handled in SAPB1 and active/inactive is also handled in SAPB1 or vice versa. If the customer is active in SAPB1 or inactive in iVend HO, there       is a need to check why it was getting different.

  2. Go to SAP and check for the Business partner with cardcode as shown in the error message. You can refer to the below screenshot.



Search for the Customer Code in Business Partner Master Data Screen and check whether the customer is ‘active’ or ‘’inactive’, if ‘inactive’ then change it to ‘active ‘. This will generate an integration event towards iVend HO and from iVend HO a replication event will be generated towards stores and customer will be marked as ‘active’ in all stores.


3. You can also verify the same from the database in both SAP and iVend HO/Store by following queries.


In SAP B1:


select validFor, validFrom,validTo, frozenFor,frozenFrom, frozenTo, * from OCRD where CardCode= 'enter the cardcode for which error occurred'





In iVend HO/Store:


select IsActive,* from CusCustomer where id= 'enter the cardcode of customer in SAP'


Value of Column Id is the same as the Value in Column Cardcode of SAP. On Comparing these two Columns one can check whether the Customer is   Active or Inactive across the landscape.