Integration Failure Monitor showing with error 'Linked value 0 does not exist' from Ivend to SAP

Integration Failure Monitor showing with error 'Linked value 0 does not exist' from Ivend to SAP


iVend Version 6.5 Update 4 with SAP B1 9.2 HANA

Problem Statement: 

There is integration failure event for Customer update from SAP B1 to iVend.
System.Exception: DI: [OCRD.GroupCode] , 'Linked value 0 does not exist' at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Customer.Replicate(Direction From, Dir
licationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart(DateTime LastRetryAt, Boolean& Retried)


Configuration Issue

Resolution/Work Around:

We have checked the customer groups code which were not matched with SAP HANA. We have corrected the customer group codes from Customer Group screen and saved the same.
Now we come to integration failure monitor and re-tried all five-failure records and later all integrated successfully.


Please correct all customer group codes in iVend from Customer Group Screen and code should be same as in SAP HANA.