Integration Failure Error Sales Person not found in SBO

Integration Failure Error Sales Person not found in SBO

This KB is for Internal Purpose Only for CitiXsys

Environment :

iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 9.2

Problem Statement :

There is integration failure of iVend POS sales Transaction with error message 
System.Exception Sales Person not found in SBO.Exception ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Base.IntegrationBase.GetSBOIdFromIntegrationMapping(String iVendKey, Int32 ObjectID, String ObjectName, Boolean ThrowError)en ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Base.ARInvoice.CreateARInvoice(DataRow[] objDataRow, DataRow[] objDataRowSurcharges, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionAttribute, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionLineAttribute, Decimal passedRoundingAmount, Decimal roundingAmount, Boolean isRolledBack)

Symptoms :

iVend POS Sales transaction didn't integrate as AR Invoice in SAPB1.

Resolution/Work Around :

It is noticed that Few POS Transaction contains Sales Person with it and if mappings are not available in CXSIntegration.. Integration Mapping,it will not integrate . It should be noticed that CXSIntegration..IntegrationMapping table contains the objects mapping between SAPB1 and iVend with bellow format :
Object Type : iVend ID  : SBO ID : Database name
So there is need to check :
1) Sales person in iVend Enterprise ( Table Lbruser) 
2) Sales person in SAPB1 ( Table OSLP) 
3) Mapping of Sales person in CXSIntegration..IntegrationMapping with Object type 68
4) CXSIntegration..IntegrationMapping table doesn't contain mapping correctly , there is need to update it correctly. It can be done by updating Sales person name in SAPB1 or using SQL queries in CXSIntegration..IntegrationMapping . 

Recommendations /Suggestion :

Suggest to keep same Sales person in SAPB1 and iVend MC.