Integration failed records Error "System.Exception DI [INV1.Acctcode][Line 2], 'GL Account missing"

Integration failed records Error "System.Exception DI [INV1.Acctcode][Line 2], 'GL Account missing"




Integration failed records with error below:
Error "System.Exception DI [INV1.Acctcode][Line 2], 'GL Account missing (2)"
These are sales type transactions (Source type 143), add events.


Few transactions which were getting failed in Integration, we advised customer to update corresponding products in SAP as below:

In SAP "Weight" field column was assigned with near to zero value (0.0000001) for few products and corresponding transactions were retried in the integration failure monitor which in return synced in SAP successfully.

Go to SAP >> Inventory >> Item Master Data >> Select the corresponding item >> Go to "Inventory Data" Tab >> Weight field >> Assign value 0.0000001 (near to zero value), if not there already.

Below is the screenshot for the same:

There is no issue with the iVend rather it is a configuration issue with SAP.

Note: Error "System.Exception DI [INV1.Acctcode][Line 2], 'GL Account missing (2)" and other errors used to come when SAP and iVend transaction data do not match.
GL account in SAP for the record, UOM group, Customer, Item, warehouse, etc. are other components that need to be available in the system to integrate one transaction.
As per understanding from session notes, this looks like that updating the weight in the inventory tab makes SAP and iVend similar which helped transactions to integrate with SAP.