iVend 6.6 7989 with SAP B1 9.2
There are below queries ,used to find the In process, Processed & Failure from iVend to SAPB1.
A) Summary
Select 'Processing Records' Status,COUNT(*) 'Events Count' from RepIntegrationLog(nolock)
where Flag=0 and ( Status=0 or status is null) and ApplicationKey='1'
select 'Processed Records',COUNT(*) 'Events Count'from RepIntegrationLog(nolock)
where Flag=1 and ApplicationKey='1'
select 'Failed Records',COUNT(*) 'Events Count'from RepIntegrationLog (nolock)
where Flag=0 and Status=1 and ApplicationKey='1'
B) Details :
Select a.SourceType, b.tablename,COUNT( *) 'Processing Events Count'
from RepIntegrationLog a(nolock)
left outer join RepObjectMapDB b(nolock)
on a.SourceType=b.ObjectID
where a.Flag=0 and ( a.Status=0 or a.status is null)
group by a.SourceType, b.tablename
Order by 'Processing Events Count' desc
Select SourceType, b.tablename,COUNT(*) 'Failure Events Count'
from RepIntegrationLog a(nolock)
left outer join RepObjectMapDB b(nolock)
on a.SourceType=b.ObjectID
where Flag=0
and status=1
group by SourceType, b.tablename
Order by 'Failure Events Count' desc