Integration Error "Vendor Catalog not found in SBO"

Integration Error "Vendor Catalog not found in SBO"

***********For Internal Purpose Only***********


iVend 6.5 & 6.6 SAP B1 9.3

Problem statement:  

SAP to iVend integration Error “System.Exception: Vendor Catalog not found in SBO”

Root Cause:

This issue occurs due to if vendor is created on SAP and deleted again, but it is already sync to integration Failure monitor.

Resolution/Work Around: 

If vendor is created in SAP and deleted again, but if it is already synced to integration monitor but not integrate to iVend, then we need to ignore the events from the Integration Failure Monitor

Recommendations /Suggestion:  

To check the Vendor code is available in SAP or not and also run below query to cross verify the data.

select * from OSCN where CardCode in ('S348216','S348168')
and ItemCode in ('K011A','56203107')


select * from purvendorcatalog where VendorCatalogKey='10000000000821'
select * from PurVendorCatalogDetail where partnumber in ('KO11A','S348168','K011A')