Integration error from iVend to SAP System.Exception: DI:Invalid value [OINV.ShipToCode]

Integration error from iVend to SAP System.Exception: DI:Invalid value [OINV.ShipToCode]

Product version

iVend 6.5 Update 6 with SAPB1

Problem statement 

Sale stucked on Integration Failure Monitor with error message from ivend to SAP :

System.Exception: DI:Invalid value  [OINV.ShipToCode]at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Base.ARInvoice.CreateARInvoice(DataRow[] objDataRow, DataRow[] objDataRowSurcharges, DataSet

 Proposed solution:

It seems that the shipping address was changed  for the BP in SAP after the concerned base document was created. So now when the delivery is  trying to get integrate the record is stuck with error as "invalid ship to code".Suggest to check and alter the delivery address the same as it was earlier when the concerned base document was created.Open the concerned Base document ( either SO or ARreserve invoice)  -> go to Logistics and see  check the Ship to address.  This address should be mapped with the BP.Then retry the failed records and let us know the result.

Steps if any


Constraints / scenarios :