Integrated Masters in iVend Digital Commerce

Integrated Masters in iVend Digital Commerce


iVend Digital Commerce is the seamless integration of Magento and iVend Retail to offer an e-commerce platform providing digital commerce platform for your business. This article focuses on enlisting the master data in Magento and iVend Retail and discusses how these master data integrate seamlessly.

Integrated Masters:

There are two scenarios for integrated masters:

  • Maters that integrate from iVend Retail to Magento

  • Masters that integrate from Magento to iVend Retail

The following are the Integrated Masters from iVend Retail to Magento:

Customer Group

The Customer Group is used for categorizing the customers to group them and later use the group for applying different types of promotional offerings. The Customer Group in iVend Retail is mapped to the Customer Group in Magento. The Customer Groups created in iVend Retail will integrate to the Customer Group in Magento. This is a uni-directional integration from iVend Retail to Magento.


Any physical item which has got a SKU assigned to it, is treated as a Product in Magento. All the products in Magento are visible, either as a catalog or as a searchable item or both. The products in iVend Retail, are integrated at the root level product category hierarchy in Magento and are further configurable as sub-categories. The Product in iVend Retail is mapped to Product in Magento. The Product created in iVend Retail will integrate to Product in Magento. This is a uni-directional integration from iVend Retail to Magento.

 Alternate Product

The product that substitutes the main product is termed as Alternate Product. The Alternate Product in iVend Retail is mapped to Related Items in Magento.

Upsell Product

iVend Retail differentiates between Upsell (comparable higher-end product) and Cross sell (related or complementary) of a product and records them separately. The Upsell Product in iVend Retail is mapped to Upsell Items in Magento and Cross Sell Items in iVend is mapped to Cross Sell in Magento.

Price List

The Price List is a list of the current prices of items. The Price List in iVend Retail is mapped to Price in Magento. Every store in iVend Retail has a price list attached to it. The price list of the store to which Magento is attached with, is set as the base price in iVend Retail, for the products displayed in Magento.

Special Price List

Special Price list is a list of different prices offered to a special set of customer groups based on predefined qualification criteria. The Special Price List is mapped to Advance Price in Magento.


Inventory is the level of stock at a particular point in time. The Inventory in iVend Retail is mapped as Stock in Magento.

Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate is an instrument certificate entitling the recipient to receive goods or services of a specified value from the issuer. The Gift Certificate can be presented in a store for goods of the value that is printed on the instrument. The Gift Certificate in iVend Retail is mapped as Gift Certificate in Magento.


The category is the group to which a particular product belongs. The Category in iVend Retail is mapped as Category in Magento.


The Loyalty in iVend Retail is mapped as Rewards in Magento.

Product Category

The Product Category in iVend Retail is mapped to the Product Category in Magento. Currently, Product categories support unidirectional sync Magento to iVend Retail.

Tax Code 

The Tax Code in iVend Retail is treated as Tax Code in Magento.


The Warehouse in iVend Retail is treated as Inventory Source in Magento.


Configure the following in iVend Retail to integrate with Magento:

  • Warehouse

  • Store

  • Point of Sale

  • Default Fulfillment Plan

  • Surcharge

  • Payment Type

  • Credit Card

  • Gift Certificate

  • Loyalty Setup

The following are the Integrated Masters from Magento to iVend Retail:


When a person enters details on the Magento site to get registered as a customer of the e-commerce site, a customer is added to the Magento database. Depending upon the selection in the iVend for Magento connection manager, the customer in iVend Retail is either created at the time of registration in Magento or at time when first order is placed in Magento. The customer created in Magento integrates to iVend and Customer added in iVend integrates to Magento.

What Does a Simple Transaction in iVend Digital Commerce Look Like?

The customer logs in to Magento and selects the product to add in the cart. Once the product is added to the cart, the customer places an order. The Order information from Magento flows seamlessly to iVend Retail and the order is processed in iVend Retail Management Console. The assigned picker uses the iVend Handheld and picks the products from the warehouse. Product Pick list guides the picker to pick the products for customers. Once the products are picked, a package is created. Using m-POS the product package is delivered to the customer at the curbside designated by the customer. Once the package is delivered and customer verification is taken on m-POS, the order status is updated on Magento website as well as in iVend Retail.

All the synchronizations discussed above, are managed by iVend for Magento Connector.

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