Environment :
iVend reatail-6.6 7989
Problem Statement:
Initialization failed error message while clicking on Register button on MPOS screen
Resolution/Work Around:
Prerequisite steps need to follow before initializing the MPOS with the store
1.Check the IP address of store system
2. Same entry in MC against Store
3. API Health check against IP Successful
4. Both system and Mobile should be on same network
5. Windows Firewall should be turned off
6. iVend API folder permission: Already given
7. Checked below links on mobile browser and returning results
8. Need to turn on the Advance setting option in MPOS and asked to enter below link http://[IPAddress]/ivendapi/ivendapi.svc/mobile/
9. Check Server Connectivity: Successful
10.Register and click on save
11. Now to turn on Initialize over air option and click save
12. Click initialize
Note: Also cross checked the iVend API service from connection manager which was running.